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Authors note: there will be typos and I'm fixing as much as I can see:)

The Generation of Miracles. A collection of the most talented student athletes in all of Japan, who found themselves on the same team in the three years pulling together, even though one of their strongest member died, they never lost a single game.


Alright, Kuroko's basket. The basketball for Kuroko, the basketball which Kuroko plays....uh..Kuroko no basket?

TITLE CARD! Kuroko no basket: SEASON TWO!

Okay can we PLEASE cut from this crap now?

-Next day-
Aka: Saturay (6 am)



A white figure rises up bed, lifting off his comforter and revealing his bare chest with a scar down the middle.
He stretches and turns his legs to the edge of the bed.


"Alright!" He slaps his cheeks to wake up and a big smile grew on his face.

"I'm going to do it! Monday!" Rin takes a look at his clock and fist pump to the ceiling.

"Operation Mimi's lunch!" He paused.

Rin: -Wait.. still got some things to do...

    He scratched his back and sleepily waddles his way to his study room that's inside his bedroom but to the left side was a hallway. Going ahead to the left side was his study room.  Then as he enters the room he turned on a light switch and scanned around.

   Once he found what he was looking for he holds it up. A single sheet of paper and he looks closely at it. It was a list that's on his dark wood antique desk.

"I'll also need to install a pannier to my motetcyle..." he mumbled while still reading down the list.

Rin: Hmm..

   He placed down the list next to the un open yellow envelope and walks away, turning off the lights on the way out.

'I'll just have to get that out of the way.' Rin changes into a black shirt and basketball shorts and headed down the stairs,

It just happens, it's still early and the office wasn't open wasn't. Meaning-

"Good, no obnoxious staff..." Relived Rin was as he heads to the garage where parked his Motorbike at his spot.

"Gotta be quick with this." With just basketball shorts and a oversize black shirt, and with his new parts. He started to work.

Rin: Okay that's fine..


15 minutes passed and Rin was finally finished

"Aaand done!" A display of a installed pannier's on the back of Rin's motercyle. Now talk about stylish.


Rin headed back to the lobby to get to the elevator.          However the morning staff members noticed him and smiled.

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