2: pull up shawty

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yeah we're still looking
u can have it if u want it
we're home today if u wanna come meet us and see the place
pull up shawty

gus had responded around four in the morning, i'm just seeing it now as i woke up at 8. i knew i was internally holding my standards for the whole situation too high, it was 4 guys in a house it was going to be messy, gross, loud and obnoxious. i really had to start lowering the mental bar before i went to go look at the place.

does 11 work?

i didn't need that long to get ready. i just had to get dressed, get food and get over there. gus wasn't very good at responding to texts, so hopefully he'd get back to me before 11.

i'd gotten dressed and gotten halfway through doing my hair and makeup, my phone vibrated on the vanity.

ya sure
see u then

well at least it was faster than last night. gus was being very casual about the whole situation, i couldn't tell if that was good or not. who could tell what i was about to get myself into. gus said the spot was mine if i wanted it. i hadn't even seen the place yet so i didn't technically have to take it, but i had no other options at the moment and i was growing impatient.

i finished getting ready, i put on a super basic t-shirt and jeans outfit not wanting to draw too much attention to myself. i left my room, joining the crowded sidewalk to walk to the coffee place at the end of the block. i got a bagel and an iced coffee, i ate slowly and people watched as people walked by. i had time to kill.

once i finished my food i punched the address into google maps, i had a 15 minute walk ahead of me. perfect timing on my part. i followed the directions on my phone, walking along the maze of sidewalk until i stopped to face the house from the ad. it actually looked the exact same, i was expecting worse.

hey :) i'm outside

On my way!

a guy emerged from the front door. he was tall, black hair and plastered in tattoos. even his face. honestly that's not what i was expecting gus to look like. he quickly scanned the yard from the step, noticing me on the sidewalk. "aspen?" he asked "that's me" i told him. "hi, i'm gus but you probably guessed that" he said, he had a super friendly smile.

gus took me into the house, it did slightly exceed my expectations. you could tell they cleaned up prior to my arrival. "okay, so living room is there, kitchen is right beside it" gus said, starting to tour me through the house. it was nothing spectacular but it would definitely be doable for me. all there was on the main floor was the front entrance, kitchen, living room and back door out to the backyard.

he took me up the first flight of stairs, "that's tracy's room" he said, pointing to a shut door. gus smacked his door a few times "come say hi" he told him. tracy poked his head out of the door, coming out into the hallway once i realized who i was. "you're aspen?" he asked "yep" i smiled. "so you're moving in?" he asked "maybe" i told him, still having the rest of the house to see. the place was decent, the people weren't exactly who i expected but tracy and gus both seemed super cool so far.

"that's ben's room, and ben and tracy's bathroom but you won't have to go in there" gus told me, pointing at the other doors. the other guy, ben i'm guessing, came into the hall as well. "hey aspen, i'm ben" he said, holding out his hand so i could shake it. "formal" i said, smiling. he seemed nice as well.

gus took me up the last flight of stairs. "that's my room, and cody's room. that would be your room, our friend bexey used to live here but he moved back to england. and that was our bathroom but i'll swap to share with cody so you can have your own" gus said, explaining each of the rooms on this level.

cody was the last to come out of his room, he had bright purple hair and "leave me alone" tattooed across his neck. "hey" he said. "hi" i smiled, trying to be friendly as possible to everyone. "moving in?" he asked, "maybe" i told him like i told tracy. "yes" gus said, apparently deciding for me.

cody went back in his room, gus showed me what could be my room and bathroom. they were pretty standard. there was a bed frame, closet and a dresser for me. the bathroom was a basic four piece. with what i had in my account i probably had 3 months of rent and grocery expenses covered, plus having to buy furniture and clothes since i didn't bring many.

"so what do you think?" gus asked, concluding his little tour. "i think it could work" i told him. "so that's a yes?" he asked, i thought for a second. it was my only choice right now, everyone seemed pleasant enough and the house was in livable condition. "well, yeah" i said, making my choice.

"fuck yeah!" gus said, patting my back. "we got a roommate!" he called to the other 3 guys. "remind me to add you to the group chat" he told me. "will do" i said. i'd easily seemed to bond with gus, i guess it's just because i contacted him first.

"so i'd move in first of the month?" i clarified. "if you want, you can come earlier if you want though. bex left halfway through the month to go home so rent is still kinda covered for the last of it if you needed a place sooner" gus told me. "hmm, i'll let you know" i said, not wanting to seem desperate. however, i would take him up on that offer.

gus walked me back down to the front door, "well, i will text you to finalize things. thank you for the tour, and for letting me have the room" i told him. "no problem, we'll see you soon" he smiled. i waved bye to him as i headed back to my temporary room.


so i'm good to move in? $850 a month?

that is correct

also, i didn't want to seem desperate earlier but would i be able to take you up on that early move in offer? i could really use a steady place rn

ya of course why'd you think i would offer if not silly

oh okay
how's a week from today sound?

come tomorrow idc

what about thursday, 3 days?

works for us
lemme add u to the group chat

gus added aspen to fellow house dwellers

aspen in here now
she moving in thursday
everyone b nice

thanks for letting me live there

np we are excited to have u

hi! it'll be fun we promise
it's not as crazy as u would think



first kinda real chapter done what y'all think
gonna try and do 1 more tonight

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