15: dad

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"hi mom" i said into the phone speaker, "hi honey, are you here?" she asked. "yeah i just landed" i told her. "okay, i'll come grab you quickly" she said. "see you then" i said and hung up the phone.

it was strange to be back in my home city, the familiar surroundings lit eerily by the moon and street lights. i waited by the curb of the door i came out of for my mom. it took her about 20 minutes to get here from the airport, her red car was hard to miss as it pulled up to the side of the road.

i threw my suitcase in the back, and then got in next to her. "hi sweetie. i've missed you" she said, "i missed you too mom" i told her.  "how's los angeles been? have you found work? where are you living?" she asked. "it's been really good, i have. i'm working at a spa, i really enjoying it. yeah i'm renting a house with a few other people" i answered all of her questions.

"oh that's fantastic news hun. what are your housemates names?" she asked. "ben, gus, tracy, cody and bella" i threw bella's name in there so she'd at least think there was one other girl staying with us. "oh, co ed i see. you're not dating any of them?" she asked. "no, i'm not" i said. well, not really.

we arrived back at the hospital where dad was. i followed my mom through the winding hallways to his room. my beard broke at the sight of my dad laying in the hospital bed. he looked weak and frail, laying there almost lifeless with the monitors beeping beside him. "dad" i said, going to his side. "hi hun, how are you?" he asked. "i'm alright, but i should be asking you that" i told him. "oh i could be better" he said. he's such a dad.

"are you gonna be okay?" i asked him, "oh i hope so" he said. "does cynthia know?" i asked, cynthia was my little sister. she was away at school in texas right now, she was a hell of a lot smarter than i was. "i called her, but she won't be able to make it home for a few weeks. she's in exams right now" my mom said. "she texts and calls a lot though" my mom said. "well that's good at least" i told her. hopefully nothing happened to dad, i knew it would crush her completely if she couldn't say goodbye. she was always the favourite child in this house.

"sorry the flight came in so late, it's good to see you. i'll let you get some rest though. i'm tired too" i told my dad, at least i'd gotten to see him incase anything happens over night. "i'll take us home" my mom said. "bye dad, i love you" i told him. "love you guys. see you tomorrow" he said. well, i hope we did.

my mom drove us back home, most of the ride being silent. i could tell she was extremely upset. my phone lit up a few times, people had been texting a lot me since i landed apparently. i responded to everyone on the way home.


gus told me what happened. thoughts and prayers with ur dad and ur family. love u asp<333 here if u need anything

thanks ben love u
i just saw him, he's okay right now but no promises about tomorrow


sorry to hear about ur dad, hope everything goes okay. we love u. lmk if you need something or just a hug

thank u. i'll keep u updated. love u guys


hey asp. condolences from bella and i. let me know if you need anything, we're hoping he pulls through for you. keep us updated.

thanks guys<3
and i will


thinking about you
we miss you here
let me know if you need anything
i still care about you aspen so please don't hesitate
i miss you
come home soon
i wanna talk
your dad will be fine
we're all thinking of u here
good vibes to u

thanks gus
we can talk more when i'm home and i get my dad sorted out

i responded to all of my texts from my housemates, i certainly felt loved by them. my mom pulled into the driveway of my childhood home. it had only been a few months but it felt like an eternity since i had been here.

i went up to my old bedroom, i was tired and just needed to sleep. it looked exactly how i had left it, i guess this would be a good opportunity to bring a little extra home with me. there were a lot of memories at this house, and in this room.

i was back at home, my dad could die at any minute and for some reason fucking gustav åhr was still racking my brain. maybe it was just because he was nice to me when i had no one else earlier, but it made me miss him sickeningly enough. every moment we spent together always felt perfect, it was just what he did when we weren't that was the problem.


haven't gotten one of those in a while
goodnight aspen

i decided to text gus goodnight, i don't know why, i just felt like i needed to for some reason. he'd gone above and beyond for me tonight and i did appreciate him for it.

i was absolutely exhausted, my whole body feeling heavy as i laid down in my own bed, it was much more comfortable then the one in los angeles. i don't think i could fly a mattress back with me though. i feel quickly into a deep sleep, flying and stress adding to my regular fatigue. everything was going wrong right now, i needed just one thing to turn around for me. just one.

gonna try n put up one more chapter tonight but i might fall asleep?

aspen and gus, thoughts ?

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