8: can u stop

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i stood at the kitchen counter, making myself coffee. gus came into the kitchen, i hadn't seen him since last night. "morning" he said. "morning, coffee?" i ssked. "sure" he told me. i poured coffee into a mug and handed it to him.

"don't be awkward baby, it's all good" he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. well, that just made me more awkward. "you drink your coffee black?" gus asked, peering into my mug. "yep" i told him. "weird" he said.

"you need a ride to work?" he asked, "i'll walk today. it's fine" i told him. "aspen" gus grabbed my worst "why are you avoiding me?" he asked. "i'm not, it's just nice out" i said. "it's always nice out" he told me. "well, i feel like walking today" i said, turning away from him to put my dish in the sink. "let me walk you then" he bartered. i sighed, he wasn't gonna stop "fine".

"well i'm leaving now, so hope you're ready" i told him, beelining to the front door. "i'm coming i'm coming, slow down" gus said, chasing after me. i kept walking, he could catch up if he wanted to come with me that bad.

gus finally caught up to me on the sidewalk, he reached for me hand and interlocked our fingers. "what are you doing?" i asked him. "holding your hand" he said in a 'duh' tone. "why? i'm not your girlfriend" i reminded him. "i know" he said, still not letting go. whatever, i guess it wasn't that bad.

gus walked me up to the front door, "bye, have a good day" he kissed the top of my head. why was this guy so confusing? "thanks, see you at home" i told him. "you want a ride home?" he asked. "i'll text you" i said.


liked by aspendelgad0, fish_narc and 2489 others lilpeep u don't gotta like me ur bitch do , blowing up my phone like i miss u , u know i love u by the way that i kiss u comments liltracy hard yungcortex when should we drop? aspendelgad0 hellboy ❤...

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liked by aspendelgad0, fish_narc and 2489 others
lilpeep u don't gotta like me ur bitch do , blowing up my phone like i miss u , u know i love u by the way that i kiss u
liltracy hard
yungcortex when should we drop?
aspendelgad0 hellboy ❤️
aspendelgad0 funky hat
lilpeep thanks ima fashion icon @aspendelgad0


i didn't text gus and decided to walk home on my own, i needed some time away from him. i was concerned i was accidentally becoming attracted to him. his post from earlier made me smile because i thought he was cute, what's wrong with me.

the walk was actually pleasant, it was nice to live where it was always sunny. i got home and gus' car wasn't in the driveway. i wonder what he's up to. should i text him? no aspen, you're not obsessed with him you literally just live together.

i got in the door and there was a pair of women's shoes that weren't mind, someone must have a girl over. i walked into the living room to sit down for a few minutes, cody was sitting on the couch with a girl. oh, that must be bella. "sup" cody said "hey" i replied. "this is my girlfriend, bella. i don't think you've met yet" cody introduced her. "you haven't, i'm aspen. i live here, nice to meet you" i waved to her.

"you're really pretty by the way" she told me, "no way, says you" i said, she was drop dead gorgeous. she seemed  sweet, i went up to my own room to shower.

i'd showered and gotten dressed, i must not have heard gus come inside because he scared the living shit out of me when i walked into him in the hall. "oh jesus, didn't realize you were home" i said. "sorry, you didn't need a ride?" he asked. "i walked, and you have lipstick on your neck" i said, pouting out the obvious stains.

"oh" he said, frantically trying to scrub it off with his sleeve. "nice" i said. i couldn't help but feel the smallest little tiny ounce of jealousy in me after i had kissed him. he's not yours, aspen. he's never gonna be. lil peep doesn't fall in love.

i stayed in my room for the night, subconsciously avoiding gus.

u good? havent rlly seen u today

ya just tired

aight luv u bestie 🖕🏻🤮

ugh luv u 👊🏻🤬

at least ben was checking up on me. well, i guess there wasn't anything obviously wrong. everyone else minded their business for the night, i didn't see anything else of any of the guys.

it was around 10 when i got into bed, kind of early but i had nothing better to do. i got comfortable under my blankets, ready to sleep. there was a couple taps on the other side of the wall, right by my head. it was like gus was literally knocking on his wall. it stopped for a few seconds, and then it kept going.

can u stop

stop what?

smacking ur wall
it's right by my head

hahah i know
i just wanted u to text me


i'm bored
i don't like being lonely

poor u

can i come to ur room


i don't know why i agreed, something in my subconscious wanted to spend time with him though. gus was in my room within seconds, laying down beside me in bed. "hey" he said. "hi" i said, kind of groggy and coming out of the half sleep i was in.

"tired?" gus asked "yeah" i said. "why'd you wanna come over here?" i asked, still a little confused. "i don't wanna be alone" he said. i shrugged, whatever. i kind of enjoyed the time we spent together, but it was an odd dynamic for me knowing he meant nothing by it.

"wanna watch a movie?" he asked. "we can put one on, i'll probably fall asleep" i said. "that's fine, gimme your remote" he said, i passed it to him. gus scrolled through a bunch of movies on netflix. he picked some random horror movie, i wasn't even paying attention to the title.

"can i have some blanket? it's cold" he asked. i moved so he could get under the duvet. "thanks boo" he said. gus seemed into the movie, i stared at the tv without actually taking in what was happening. gus threw his arm around me, i just let it happen. i was tired and he was warm and comfortable.

i was slowly falling asleep, not paying attention to the movie at all. i tilted my head to rest it on his shoulder. he turned his head and kissed me quickly, "sorry, couldn't help it" he said. "it's fine" i mumbled. i started to fall farther asleep, moving my head to lay on his chest and draped my arm across his torso.

"i can go to bed if you wanna sleep" gus offered. "no, stay" i said, pulling him closer. "you sure?" he asked "yeah" i said. gus flicked off the tv and got comfortable beside me. "goodnight" he said. "night" i said. i moved my head to where i could hear his heartbeat and that's exactly how we fell asleep.

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