23: group chat worthy news

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i woke up to my phone ringing, answering it quickly so the ringtone didn't wake gus, who was still asleep next to me. 'mom' showed up on the screen. my heart instantly jumped into my throat, thinking something must be wrong with my dad again.

"mom?" i asked, in a hushed but panicked tone. "hi sweetie" she said. "is dad okay?" i asked, needing to get that out of they way. "oh, he's fantastic. i was just calling to let you know your sister is graduating at the end of the week. we were gonna have a small backyard party for her at the house and we wanted to invite you if you're around on friday" my mom asked. i breathed a sigh of relief that my dad was okay.

i looked at gus who was next to me, still asleep. "yeah i'll be there. mom, is it okay if i bring someone? there's someone i really want you to meet" i told her. "oh absolutely sweetie! have you been seeing someone?" she asked. "yeah actually. he's a real sweetheart so don't let looks fool you" i told her. i hoped gus would be okay with meeting my family, but i felt like we were ready. "well i can't wait to meet him i'm sure you've picked a lovely boy!" she said. "okay mom, we'll see you friday" i told her. "bye aspen" she said, and hung up.

"gus" i said, trying to wake him up. "hey angel" i said, shaking him so he got up. "morning" he mumbled, shoving his face back into the pillow. "babe, we've got something to do friday" i informed him. "what would that be?" he asked. "um, i may have signed us up to fly back to my house for my sisters graduation party and you may have to meet my parents" i informed him nervously, not sure how he was going to respond.

"you want me to meet your parents?" he asked. "yeah" i said, i was that serious about him. "i'd love to, if you're ready for that" he said. "i'm ready, i love you gus, i want my family to like you too. it'll have to happen eventually so i figured this was a good time" i told him. "i'm excited to meet my in laws" he said. i was happy for us to take this step. "do you think they'll like me?" he asked. "i think they'll end up loving you" i said. they may be a bit thrown off by the tattoos and eccentric style of his but there's no way my mom wouldn't find her way to his heart of gold.

"i must be the real deal if i'm meeting the fam jam already" he said. "you're okay with it?" i double checked. "of course, you're my girl" he said. "okay" i smiled, this went perfectly. "when are we going?" he asked. "we can leave friday morning" i told him, it was a decently quick flight so we could leave the day of.

fellow house dwellers

big dubs boys
just got invited to meet the parents

hahah nice

y'all in love in love fr


i chuckled a little, it was cute how exited and proud of himself gus was. even deciding it was group chat worthy news. he was such a keeper. "what's your sister graduating from?" gus asked. "u of texas at austin from forensic psych" i told him. "oh so she's like smart smart" he said. "yeah, much smarter than i am. she's the favourite sibling" i told him. "you're my personal favourite delgado" he said.

"wait aspen" gus said. "what's up?" i asked him. "i've got something else to ask you" he said. "what is it?" i asked, raising an eyebrow at him. i can't tell if it's gonna be good or bad. "well, before i meet your parents we should probably have this story to tell them, and it'll probably be better for it to be made properly official. aspen delgado, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" gus asked, half sounding like he was proposing. he was right though, they'd definitely ask how we met and how he ended up asking me out and blah blah blah.

"absolutely i would" i smiled, i'd been waiting for him to ask me forever. everything was going perfectly, and exactly how i wanted it to. "i love you gus" i told him, i was just super happy and like exploding with love for him. "i love you too" he said. "you really got my name tattooed on you before you asked me to be your girlfriend" i pointed out. "that's how confident i was you'd say yes" he told me. "so you were planning on asking me" i said. "i may have been thinking about it" he blushed.

"what should i talk about when i meet them?" gus asked. "just be yourself. maybe refrain from drug and alcohol talk but anything else if fine. they like authenticity in a person. talk about your music, they'll like that" i told him. "okay, no drugs no drinking, music is good be myself?" he repeated. "exactly" i said. "okay got it" he told me.

"they're pretty chatty so you won't have to do much work to converse, just answer their one million questions and you'll be fine" i said, i had no worried that it would end up okay. "and your sister?" he asked. "meh, she won't give a fuck. she doesn't care that much about me" i said. "okay, awkward small talk with sister". gus said, acting out taking fake notes.

i smiled at gus, happy to formally be his. he put his finger under my chin to tip my head up, kissing me softly. "you're beautiful" he told me. "you're so perfect" i told him. "i can't wait for you to meet my family".  "you can meet mine one day too, i just don't talk to them much" gus said. "whenever you're ready" i told him, he'd never talked to me about his family before so i got the feeling that it was a sensitive topic, i wouldn't rush him into it just because he's meeting mine.

prolly will get 2 more chapters up tonight
sorry if something sounds kinda funky my wisdom teeth pills r making me a lil off the goop rn

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