Friend To Lover

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Narrator's Pov.

(That's what you look like now also this picture is not mine its from YouTube AtomicJamie go check them out)

(5 Years old)

A young boy ran through the woods climbing over logs, jumping streams, until he reached a open field with flowers and tall grass, woods surrounding the clearing, "WOAH this place is amazing........I wish I had someone to share this with Mom is always busy and Dad is never home." Izuku said sad he didn't really have any friends when they found out he was quirkless and this is where he went to get away from his 'friend' Bakugou. 

After a sigh he got up with a smile on his face and started running around in the clearing carefree then he heard a twig snap. "What was that?" Izuku asked one really, "Nobody knows where this place is." Izuku said to himself again as he walked towards the noise using the tall grass as cover walking slowly. Once he got to the end of clearing and the beginning of the forest he hesitated for a moment.

 "Come on Izuku its probably nothing anyway." The 5 year old told himself going farther into the forest he ventured into a cove that had a small pond and a few tress he slipped in through a crevice. Where he saw a small black thing laying down near the pond like it was napping which she was, 'W-what is that?' Izuku wonder as he got closer and closer until he was less than 3 feet from the black skinned reptile. Izuku could feel it's warm breath as the reptile breathed in and out just. When the boy was about to reach out and touch the creature he tripped and fell on his face. Y/n's head popped up and her ear flaps shot up Izuku's dark green eyes meant with dark purple ones as she jumped back growling and wings puffed out to make herself look bigger. "Ahhhh p-please don't h-hurt me I just want to know what you are!" The greenett said said scooting backward on his butt putting his hands in front of him to protect himself from potential harm. The young female stopped growling and walked over to him and Izuku kept going backwards until his back hit a rock. "P-please" Izuku pleaded.

Y/n's head dropped, 'He's just like everybody else he thinks I'm a monster.' she thought as she walked over to the pond and laid down she looked at her reflection in the water her reflection staring back. Izuku got up and ran for the crack he got in through just as he was about to slip through Izuku looked back at the sad figure of the creature.

"A-are you o-okay?" Y/n saw a second reflection in the water she turned her head to the side toward the nervous kid and looked at him funny. Izuku turned his own head to look at her the reptile smiled at Izuku showing him her toothless smile.

"W-What are you?" Izuku asked looking at the water, "I'm not sure but I know that I'm a dragon." Izuku went wide eyed when he heard a girls voice spoke Izuku looked back at Y/n to find a girl about his age with h/l, f/c hair with ear flaps, wings, and a tail with some scales on her shoulders, neck, arms and legs with the same big purple eyes. "Why are you starting at me? Do I look weird do I look like a monster!" The girls shouted much like a loud blonde Izuku knows, "W-what no its j-just that you w-were a dragon a-and then y-your a girl and y-you look so p-pretty." Izuku said blushing, "You think I'm pretty?" Y/n asked smiling with a light blush on her face as well, "Y-yeah who wouldn't?" Izuku wondered out loud, "A lot of people think I'm a monster because of my other form and the scales all over my body sometimes I wish I was quirkless." She said hugging her arms trying to hide the scales that litter her skin Izuku looked down their was moment of silence.

"I think you look pretty just the way you are and you should love your quirk no matter what." Izuku said, Y/n looked at him with tears brimming her eyes, "Thank you I better get home parents gets worried if I come home late." Y/n said standing up and holding out a hand to help Izuku up.

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