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(Sorry this took so long, this was made with the help of EmariTheProtecter they had the scenario/idea for my next few chapters, go check them out)
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Izuku's Pov.

A few days has passed and Y/n hasn't been following me to school or anywhere else which is good it means she getting better at self-control we even trained with the dragon whistle I bought. Y/n doesn't care for it much. But even with all training and progress she's made she's still a little clingy this didn't help when I told her that my class is going to the USJ. "Do you really have to go?" Y/n asked me as we walked down the street.

"Yes, it's a major part of my hero training I'm sorry." I told Y/n as she gave me the sad eyes, "I know and that's what sucks about it!" Y/n shouted crossing her arms and scowling at the ground, "I'm not going to be gone for more than a regular school day." I said leaning on her shoulder as we walked, "I know, I know but you'll be out of my sight.........dang it!" Y/n said with a big sigh, "If it makes you feel better I have my dragon whistle on me." I said trying to cheer her up.

"For the last time that is a dog whistle with dragon carvings." Y/n said poking my cheek, "It is NOT a dog whistle it's a dragon whistle." I said playfully pushing Y/n and running down the street, "Is too!" Y/n shouted chasing me, "Is not!" I shouted back running faster, "IS TOO" Y/n shouted back we continued to go back and forth with each other until we made it to the gates.

"I'm gonna get you!" Y/n shouted picking up speed easily, "Your gonna have to catch me first!" I said making a sharp turn, "SHIZ" Y/n yelled I stopped and looked over my shoulder to find that Y/n had tripped in the wall of U.A, "Woops!" Y/n yelped from the small dent in the wall, "Y/n I'm so sorry are you okay!?" I asked running over to her, "I'm fine, I don't know about the wall though?" Y/n said standing and looking up at the crack coming from the dent in the wall.

"That's not good." I hissed, "Welp I have to go bye love you." Y/n said kissing my cheek, "Now before I go you have your 'dragon whistle'?" Y/n asked, "Yes it's right here." I said pulling the whistle out of my pocket, "And the mini first aid kit?" Y/n asked, "Yes Y/n." I said grabbing the small med kit from the side pocket on my backpack, "And the-" "Y/N!" I shouted getting her attention, "I'm sorry." Y/n said looking down holding her arm, "It's okay I know this is hard but you've been doing really good.....I love you and I promise I'll be careful." I said our foreheads touching, "I know you will, I love you more." Y/n said locking our lips passionate kiss.

"Goodbye Deku I'll see you after school." Y/n said walking off I smiled and walked through the gates and into the school, 'She has made so much progress......I wonder how hard this must be for her?' I thought walking to my class I stop when I make it to the door, "Seriously why do we need a door this big?" I mutter to myself taking a deep breath before walking in, "Midoriya you are 2 minutes late!" Iida shouted startling me and making me jump a little, "S-sorry Iida I-I was a b-bit d-distracted this m-morning you know w-with t-the USJ trip and a-all." I said rubbing the back of my neck feeling like someone was burning holes in the back of my head.

"I do suppose that the excitement of going somewhere for hero training could be distracting....fine since this is the first time it is okay." Iida said walking away from me, "T-thank you?" I said but it sounded like more like a question than anything walking to my seat on the left side of the classroom, "Alright class as you know we'll be taking a trip to USJ for hero training." Mr. Aizawa said pulling out a small remote and our hero suits came out, "It is your choice if you want to wear your hero suits or not, since you aren't used to them they may restrict some of your abilities." Mr. Aizawa said.

'Crap I can't wear my suit it was destroyed yesterday in my battle with Kacchan......why does Kacchan keep glaring at me like that? Did I do something to upset him? "Midoriya" DID HE SEE ME AND Y/N AT THE GATE!? "Deku!" I KNOW HE SAW ME AND Y/N WHEN SHE TOOK ME FOR DINNER!? "MIDORIYA!" DID HE FIGHURE OUT WHO Y/N REALLY IS!? WHAT IF HE TOLD MR. AIZAWA OR THE POLICE OR WORSE!?' My mind raced with all the bad thoughts making up worse case scenarios, "DEKU!" "MIDORIYA!" two voices screamed shaking me by my shoulders, "Y-y-yes!?" I stuttered out.

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