Oh No

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Narrator's Pov.

(Next day 8:00 in the moring)

Inko was pacing back and forth waiting from a call from anyone telling her where her baby was, "Oh Izuku where are you?" Inko asked as she sobbed when she heard the phone ring Inko shot up answering it hoping for some new on Izuku, "Yes did you find my baby?" Inko asked franticly, "No sorry Katsuki called and said he didn't see him at school but after school I told him to go out and look for him at their hiding spots maybe he'll find Izuku maybe he just wants alone time." Mitsuki said, "Thank you Mitsuki and you might be right his next year is high school and he's always wanted to go to UA." Inko said sniffling.

"See he just needs some times to think anyway I'm coming over I think you really need a friend right now." Mitsuki said from the other line, "Thank you Mitsuki you always know what to do." Inko said smiling, "I'm just trying to help a hurting friend and mother it's the least I can do especially after all the times I've come to you with my problems see you in a little bit." Mitsuki said recalling back to all the times she's gotten mad and came to her to talk and rant (mostly about Katsuki), "See you in a little bit." Inko said hanging up and sighing, "Where are you my baby?" Inko asked once more

(Meanwhile with Izuku and Y/n)

"mmhhmmmahhhhhh" Y/n yawn as she stretched shifting back to human, "Morning Boss girl how'd you sleep?" Izuku said as he did the final touches on the saddle, "Good what are you doing beautiful?" Y/n asked Izuku's face flushed from the nickname, "A saddle I wanted to surprise you I was up all night making it now we can make adjustments as we go." Izuku said admiring his work, "Where did you get the material for this anyway?" Y/n asked looking over his shoulder, "I bought the stuff from the market not to long ago I kept I hidden here so I could work on it in secret." Izuku said rubbing the back of his neck, "Well what do you think?". Izuku asked, "I love it I say we try this bad boy on." Y/n said as her tail wagged back and forth like a dog, her wings fluttered, and your ear flaps twitched in excitement.

(Skip from 0:37 to 1:00 then from 1:12 to 1:30 and it ends at 1:38 if you don't understand then any part that doesn't have a nightfury in it)

"Okay just shift and I can put this on." Izuku said lifting up the saddle, "Okay but your going to have yo catch me first!" Y/n said shifting and running away from Izuku, "HEY!" Izuku yelled chasing her around.

"Okay here we go." Izuku said as he leaned left and Y/n turned right and he fell straight off her back, "That did not work." Izuku said as he swam to shore, "Next time lean with me." Y/n said walking out of the pond and shook off, "I got something that can help with the turns so I don't fall off." Izuku said grabbing something to attach to the saddle having Y/n crouch down, "I hope so or your going to need to get the hang of it very fast hopefully this will help with strong winds." she said waiting for Izuku to place the hook on the leather seat.

"Okay let's try this again 10th times the charm." Izuku said getting back on hooking himself in place as Y/n took off making it out of the cove. But lost balance due to the  new weight of the passenger on her back, "Woah, woah balance out Boss girl!" Izuku shouted as they crashed into a grassy field Izuku got up to looked for Y/n, "Boss girl, Boss girl, Y/N!" Izuku called out pushing through the tall grass only to find her rolling around in the grass purring, "Huh?" Izuku said with a smile, "Come on Y/n let's get back to the cove and take a break." Izuku said walking past her picking some of the grass, "Now I understand why you like this felid so much." Y/n said laying on her back smiling then following Izuku back for a break.

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