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Narrator's Pov.

Ever since Izuku explained what really happened with Bakugou and how Izuku knew Y/n he was okay with her but Y/n still didn't like All Might which is kinda a problem if All Might was going to train Izuku.

"Come on Midoriya do you expect to inherit my quirk like that." All Might said in his skinny form while Izuku was trying to push an old file cabinet, "Oi stop putting so much pressure on him!" Y/n said in her human form All Might jumped and Izuku waved at her, "Who are you?" All Might asked hoping that whoever this girl was didn't know who he was, "How long have you been their Y/n?" Izuku asked his hands on his knees catching his breath.

"The whole time." Y/n said walking over to Izuku giving him a kiss on he cheek then going over to All Might, "You if he gets hurt I'm going to rip out your throat." Y/n said in a whisper near his ear that's when it clicked, 'This is the creature that attacked me a few weeks ago but Izuku said she wouldn't show her human form to me unless she trust me.' All Might thought, "Does this mean you trust me young Y/n?" All Might asked, "No I been watching you looking for any weakness while I watch Deku grow and get stronger." Y/n said circling him, "Boss girl stop he's going to help me get into UA I need to push myself like this but I'm glad you come to watch me work." Izuku his cheek red from working and his girlfriend watching him.

"That's no matter as long as you can keep a secret I want to see what you can do." All Might said, "What is she going to do All Might?" Izuku stopped trying to move the file cabinet and walked over to him Y/n raised an eyebrow at this.

"Young Y/n do you want to go to UA?" All Might asked going into his buff form, "No" only to be turned down, "Why not you would make a amazing hero?" All Might said, "That's not my dream I want to travel around and as you can see I don't need money to go around the world." Y/n said stretching her wings, "Y/n you don't have to go to UA if you don't want to." Izuku said grabbing Y/n's hand and squeezing it, "Can I at least see your power?" All Might asked Y/n and Izuku looked at each other, "No" Y/n answered, "Come on its time to go home Deku." Y/n said, "Young Y/n he still have-oh" All Might pulled out his phone, "It's past time for you to go home I'm sorry for keeping you this late." All Might said placing his phone in his pocket, "Its fine Deku let's go home before your mother starts to worry." Y/n said leaving the beach, "No I'm staying I have to work harder to get stronger." Izuku said Y/n froze.

"Deku come on I'm serious." Y/n said an edge in her voice starting to become present, "I'm being serious to Y/n I can't keep following your time limit it's the weekend and I have a few hours left to train." Izuku said getting annoyed poor All Might didn't know if he should get involved or not, "I'M JUST TRYING TO PROTECT YOU IZUKU!" Y/n screamed, "I KNOW BUT SOMETIMES YOUR TO PROTECTIVE!" Izuku screamed back, "BECUASE I LOVE YOU!" Y/n continued, "GO AWAY Y/N I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!" Izuku wasn't thinking letting his determination and anger get the best of him.

"I-fine you don't need me anyway." Y/n said shifting and jumping in the air and flying away towards the cove with tears in her eyes, "WAIT Y/n that's not what I meant." Izuku said sitting down regretting what he said.

"Young Midoriya does this happen often?" All Might asked, "N-no not r-really w-we've never really f-fought even b-before dating b-but this p-past w-week has been t-t-tense between u-us." Izuku said sobs racking his body, "How long have you been dating? I know you told me you've known each other since you were little." All Might said, "A m-month n-now but i-its all o-over." Izuku said shaking, "Have you two gone on any dates yet or spent any romantic time together?" All Might asked, "N-no we hang o-out l-like we u-usually d-d-do." Izuku said a waterfall going down his face.

'I thought so he's treating her like a friend and she wants romantic time with him.' All Might thought he's had this happen several time with other girls, "Midoriya you have been treating Y/n like a friend you've never gone on a date, or had romantic time with her, Y/n is mad at you because of that." All Might told Izuku then it hit him, "Is their anyway to get her back?" Izuku asked looking up at the hero, "Saying sorry and hope for the best she loves you very much she'll forgive you but I would take some flowers with you also do it tomorrow give her some time to let that anger out." All Might said Izuku nodded getting up and walking home, "I'm sorry All Might I have to go home Y/n was right my mom is going to get worried." Izuku said giving a small smile, "Its no problem Midoriya have a nice night." All Might said waving as Izuku ran home, "He has a lot to learn." All Might said chuckling, "THANK YOU ALL MIGHT!" the No#1 heard in the distance.

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