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"What?" I asked, "Just watch." All Might said holding onto my shoulder keeping me from running back to Y/n. I watched as the pro-heroes surrounded Y/n, Principle Nezu came up to her placing his paw on her head but quickly removed his paw from her. "Cementoss make a platform and move her outside." Nezu said walking away from her then to me and All Might.

"Yes sir." Cementoss said making a flat platform underneath Y/n, "Please b-be carful." I said reaching my one none broken arm out towards her as the other pro-heroes follow her outside, "Of course, we never intentionally meant to cause her harm." Nezu said standing beside me, this made my blood boil, "Then why did you shoot her?" I asked my tone colder than ice.

"Well she was threating to kill one of our students." Nezu said, "I got her to stop and you still had her shot!" I said hissing in pain as I started to feel the pain settle in on my broken arm, "Did she do that to do?" Nezu asked.

That was the last straw for me, "Y/N WOULD NEVER HURT ME!" I shouted shrugging All Might's hand off my shoulder, "So her name is Y/n, that is truly a lovely name don't you agree?" Nezu asked walking away from me I stayed silent knowing what just happened.

"Are you coming?" Nezu asked looking back at me, I looked down at the spot where Y/n once laid a small pool of blood the only thing remaining.

I followed silently watching as Power-loader cut the net and put Y/n in a harness like thing to carry her to U.A for medical treatment.

I walked over to Y/n placing my hand on her head, Y/n subconsciously purred to my familiar touch. I smiled a little before climbing into the harness thing laying in between Y/n's legs, "Kid you can't ride with 'it'." Snip said I looked up at him making eye contact shaking my head 'no'. Snip sighed then went to grab me once again Y/n subconsciously growled at the new presence holding onto me with her legs.

I cuddled closer to Y/n not breaking eye contact with Snip, "Leave them be, she seems to enjoy his presences, he'll make it easier to move, and treat her." Nezu said waving Snip off, "Your welcome." Nezu said smiling I said nothing in return, "You know I would love to know where she was hiding all this time, and how you know her." Nezu said getting closer to me and Y/n.

I glared at him holding onto Y/n's front leg my grip tightening making Y/n growl again, Nezu stopped and his smile fell for a minute looking like he was deep in thought.

Then he smiled again and backed up, "I understand you need time to warm up to us after this whole incident.....we're about to take off, just to give you fair warning." Nezu said walking away again.

Once I knew no one was around I leaned up to Y/n's ear flap, "I don't know if you can hear me but you to stay in this form for as long as you can please, for me." I whispered nuzzling my head against Y/n's neck. I almost cried tears of joy when I felt Y/n's front leg squeezed my arm in acknowledgment.

Flashback over

Izuku's Pov.

It has been a week since the USJ incident and Y/n still has not woken up yet. Or show any signs of waking up anytime soon. I'm starting to get worried, all her injuries have been treated and lucky the bullet missed her heart. But she needed to get immediately surgery to get the bullet out. Which they weren't she was going to survive in the first place.

Once again luck was on Y/n's side and she pulled through the surgery.

Although Recovery girl said with all the blood loss, physical trauma and the bullet almost hitting her heart she may be stuck in a comma forever or at least a year or three.
Even if she did pull through that Recovery girl said that she may crash due to how long she was in the comma or that if she woke up her mind may still be stuck deep inside her subconscious.

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