Date Night

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Narrator's Pov.

"Okay this looks good I wonder what Y/n will think?" Izuku asked himself looking in the mirror getting ready for date night with Y/n, "I wonder if she'll like the new style?" he kept asking myself question regarding if Y/n will like what he's wearing not noticing that Y/n was hovering at his window watching him practice fliting lines.

"I quit like the new look Deku much better than that All Might shirt you usually wear." Y/n said opening his window and walking in folding her wings behind her back, "HOLY CRAP!" "Shhhhh we don't want to wake up your mom." Y/n said

(You can change it if you want I just imagen something like this)

(You can change it if you want I just imagen something like this)

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"How long have you.........been standing.......there?" Izuku's sentence trailed off as he looked over to Y/n, "Oh am I overdressed? I didn't really know what to wear so I just grabbed something. I can go and change really quick it wouldn't take me-" Y/n was cut off by Izuku, "What are you talking about you look amazing like a dark angel sent from above." Izuku said his face turning a deep red realizing what he just said.

Y/n blushed a light red smiling to herself, "T-thank you Deku shall we get going, I have a big night planned?" Y/n asked walking back over to the window, "I-I was thinking w-we could use the f-front door this time since m-my mom is asleep." Izuku said placing his hand behind his head.

"Okay King Izuku." Y/n said trying not to laugh doing a fancy bow, "Ha.ha.ha very funny come on you flying lizard." Izuku said with a fake laugh shaking his head walking to his bedroom door opening it for her, "Thank you." Y/n said giving Izuku a kiss on the cheek, "Y-your welcome Y/n." Izuku said a light blush on his face.

The pair continued their way hand in hand to the special surprise that Y/n had prepared for Izuku but was interrupted on the way, "DEKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT YOU STUPID NERD!" Bakugou yelled from behind them, Y/n's eyes went to slit her arm tightening around Izuku arm, "Oh-uh hi Kacchan m-me and my g-girlfriend a-are going somewhere." Izuku stuttered Y/n smiled and puffed her chest out in pride when Izuku said girlfriend.

"YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND DEKU HA! I DIDN'T THINK ANYONE WOULD LIKE YOU, YA STUPID NERD!" Bakugou kept shouting Y/n frowned when she felt Izuku shaking.

"Your one to talk not like anyone would love someone like you. Your so caught up in your own ego to be the best nobody will fall in love with you let alone your ugly personality." Y/n said with a feral growl, pupils slits turning her head around to face Bakugou Y/n's eyes glowed in the dark her body giving off a dangerous aura.

'I've seen those eyes before, THE DRAGON!' Bakugou thought his eyes widening

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Bakugou shouted in fear backing away from Y/n and Izuku, "Death~" Y/n said smiling wickedly firing a fire ball out of her hand at Bakugou (which he almost didn't doge) using the distraction Y/n ran into an ally with Izuku, "I-I, that was- did you really-Kacchan-wooow." Izuku said amazed, "He had it coming for the longest time I'm sorry that I lost control of my anger I will do my best to learn better control please forgive me Deku." Y/n said her head held down in shame, "Boss girl you don't have to be sorry I think what you did was so cool and Kacchan did kinda have it coming." Izuku said holding Y/n face in his hands standing on his tippy toes he gave Y/n a kiss on the lips Izuku his face dusted light red, Y/n's cheeks flushed a dark red, "Now let's g-get going can w-we still make it to your surprise i-if we hurry that is if y-you don't m-mind?" Izuku asked his face still red from his actions.

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