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(1,000 HUNDRED VIEWS, I HONESTLY DIDN'T THINK I WAS GOING TO MAKE IT THIS FAR THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!😭😭😭😭also this is not canon to my story or Mha)

Narrator's Pov.

Today was a very special day for a sweet couple it was Y/n's birthday and her anniversary with her loving boyfriend, "YES TODAY IS THE DAY!" Y/n shouted jumping off the old couch in her abandoned house, "I can't wait to give this to Deku I've had this for a little while, I never thought I would get the chance to give it to him." Y/n said pulling the necklace out of a sock from the dirty beaten up dresser.

"I love you so much Izuku Midoriya and I hope we get to speed every minute of today together because it's going to to be amazing." Y/n said hugging the necklace, "OH GOSH I NEED A SHOWER!" Y/n shouted after smelling herself.


"Izuku wake up." Inko said shaking Izuku lightly, "Mhmmm no mom 5 more minutes." Izuku said rolling over, "No sweetie you have to wake up today is very special." Inko said pulling the covers off of him, "Why today's not even a school day." Izuku said sitting up, "Well today is you and your girlfriend's anniversary if you don't believe me check the calendar in your notebook." Inko said handing Izuku his notebook.

"I-wait how d-did you-how l-long did you k-know I have a girlfriend? I-I we k-kept a g-good job at h-hiding it." Izuku said stumbling over his words, "Oh honey I knew when she attacked Katsuki you weren't scared for your life or his you were scared for her. Plus I'm your mother did you really think you can keep a secret from me?" Inko said walking out of his room Izuku following close behind, "Okay but how did you know it was our anniversary?" Izuku asked sitting down at the dinning table breakfast already made.

"Oh I was cleaning and I found it written in your notebook." Inko said leaning on the counter, "Are you mad for not telling you?" Izuku asked a little scared, "At first yes, but than I looked at it from your point of view and I realized why you didn't want to tell anybody especially your mother.......I am still a little mad." Inko confessed, "Fair enough-wait did you say today is me and Y/n's anniversary?" Izuku said looking at his mom who slowly nod.

"I love Y/n L/n so much and I hope we don't get to speed every minute of because it's going to be a disaster." Izuku said stuffing his face with waffles

"And why is that?" Inko asked, "Because I didn't get her anything and worse of all today is also her birthday." Izuku said tears swelling up in his eyes, "Baby it don't matter all she probably wants to do is relax and spend time together, go on a nice morning flight, take a stroll through the park or something, then dinner at a nice place, like the beach or a restraint or a the place where you met her. That's what your father did for me anyway." Inko said rubbing Izuku's back.

"Thank you mom." Izuku said finishing his breakfast, "I think I know some people that can help me pick a few gifts." Izuku said going to his room to get changed Inko shook her head going over to do the dishes, 'This isn't going to end well.' Inko thought, "So are you going to go see Y/n was it?" Inko asked.

"No I'm going to go get help from the girls at my school." Izuku said rushing toward the door, "Izuku before you go, don't spend the whole ignoring Y/n trying to make this the prefect day or you might regret it." Inko warned.

"Don't worry mom I won't." Izuku said opening the door and walking to the mall where he knows the girls are. Inko simply shook her head with a small smile, 'Just like his father, always trying too hard.'

Izuku ran all the way to the mall muttering about what he should get Y/n only snapping out of his trance when he finally made it to the mall all winded. Izuku stopped to catch his breath with is hands on his knees hunched over. 'Maybe before searching for the girls I should take a minute.' Izuku told himself, with one final deep breath he stood up straight then continued his mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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