Entrance Exam

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(That's what it looks like when you disappear minus the lightning)

Narrator's Pov.

Today is the day, the entrance exam Y/n had to hurry she promised Izuku she would be there to watch him and that's what she going to do but Y/n has been planning to fly him to the gates, "Better get going." Y/n said shifting and doing her disappearing trick while she glided to the beach her ears went up when she heard screaming and raced to the beach as fast as she could knowing it was Izuku.

"Deku are you okay!?" Y/n asked shifting human and running to Izuku grabbing him out of All Might's arms, "What did you do!" Y/n growled at All Might her eyes going to slits and a bluish purplish color in her throat, "Y/n I-I'm okay j-just tired." Izuku said putting his hand on her shoulder standing up on his own, "Midoriya come forth" All Might said standing up straight Y/n glared at All Might then looked down at Izuku her glare softened and she let him go Izuku smiled at his girlfriends before walking to All Might. 

"It was your own hard work, we'll have to fix those leaky eyes of yours. Now its time for the reward ceremony, Izuku Midoriya!" All Might said walked behind Izuku smiling at him, "Yes, sir!" Izuku said his voice high pitched All Might kept his big smile and plucked a hairs from one of his two sticking up hairs.

"This is something I was once told: Something that you receive because you're lucky and something that you are given because you are recognize are different in essence." All Might finished Izuku looked up at him with tired emerald eyes, "Take that to heart. This is power that you earned because of your own effort." All Might said Izuku faced turned to awe to determination, "Eat this." All Might said, "Huh?" Izuku said

"The freak! I KNEW it All Might is some kinda sick WERIDO Deku let's go you don't need a quirk to become a hero." Y/n said grabbing Izuku's hand and was about to walk away with him, "No, that's not it he has to eat my DNA and this is the best way to do it." All Might said sweating, "mmmhh Deku if we to hurry the entrance you'll get the best seats." Y/n mummed dragging Izuku with her, "Y/n I have to even though it is a little-" Izuku began, "Weird" Y/n interrupted raising an eyebrow at him, "Make it quick we don't want to be late and YOU I'm keeping a extra close eye on you." Y/n said pointing to All Might who's smile went down some.

(I'm skipping eating the hair part because I don't know how to descried it)

"I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth." Y/n said shifting to her dragon form waiting for Izuku to get on, "I-understand I love you." Izuku said, "I love you too but its not happening until you brush your teeth." Y/n said taking to the sky her powerful wings stirring up the sand and lifting them in the air her tail fin letting her turn and balance in the air.

"I love it up here I feel so" Y/n began, "Free" Izuku finish taking a deep breath and laying down on Y/n's back, "You said babe I could stay up here forever." Y/n said gliding in the air they had a moment of comfortable silence, "Sometimes I wish we could you know just fly away and never come back." Izuku said sitting back up rubbing Y/n side, "I know right sometimes I wish we could." Y/n said laughing.

"Why don't you ever fly away from everyone where you can be yourself and stay in this form for the rest of your life traveling like you want." Izuku asked he was always scared that one day Y/n will just fly away and never come back leaving Izuku alone it was his only fear because he knew Y/n wouldn't stay forever. "Deku what are you talking about? I would like to travel but I'll do that when I'm older." Y/n said twisting her head to the side to look at Izuku, "I know you love exploring and flying around but I'm holding you back from doing what you want you can't go anywhere because of me." Izuku said tears brimming his eyes, "Deku I'm fine I like it here I love it here." Y/n said looking back at the sky.

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