Y/n Info/Backstory

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Y/n L/n Backstory: Y/n's parents left Y/n when she was 5 years old leaving her to fend for herself that's it they left because they were just horrible parents no specific reason.

Y/n L/n 

Quirk: Dragon renamed Nightfury, this quirk allows user to shift into a large dragon black as night, fire 6 blast before having to recharge for each blast it takes 1 minute to recharge, scales are stronger then steel, can speak telepathy to anyone who has a close connection to you, retraceable teeth, can turn invisible, using a blast of fire to hide as she turns herself inviable, can fly faster then the sped of sound, has amazing eyesight, smell, and heating in both forms, you can still breath fire in both forms but when in your human form you can shoot it out of your hand and set some parts of yourself on fire

Drawback: You don't have many drawback because you used and trained your quirk a lot when you were little. You can stay in your dragon form for a day if you don't do anything to use or stress your quirk and 12 hours if your doing something active. If you go over your limit or push yourself too hard you'll go crazy going on a rampage until you pass out from complete exhaustion. When in rampage all you see is red and your vision gets blurry and you can barely hear anything and the longer your in this mode the harder it is to snap you out of it. Deku has experienced rampage mode once but was able to snap you out of it before you accidently hurt him.

(when in dragon form)

(from the shoulder) Height: 10ft

Weight: 1,700lb

Length: 20ft

Wing Span: 60ft

Don't be fooled you might be big but your very stream-like and your speed makes you a deadly opponent your overall size and speed gives you a advantage over enemies having only having few weakness. You don't go looking for fights though you'll only do anything either if you or Izuku are threatened by someone.

You are a queen and Izuku is your king and god help anyone who disrespected the King. (Does anyone get that reference)

(I might add on later as you gain new abilities or new moves to help explain them)

Please feel free to comment what you think I like a little crissum to help me improve my writing but that does not mean that give me chapter ideas I'm talking about the writing itself, so you can point out my mistakes and lastly I might make a bonus/extra chapter for when about that one time you (when I say you I mean Y/n in the story) went into a rampage mode and how Izuku managed to calm you down. Thank you for reading my story please check out my other stories and share this one have a nice day/night thank you again.

(Feel free to comment)

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