USJ Part 2

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(This was made with the help of EmariTheProtecter they had the scenario/idea for my next few chapters, go check them out)

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Y/n's Pov.

I walk down a hall the walls are completely white, "This is very boring. Why is everything WHITE!?" I shouted in frustration continuing to walk down the baron hall, "Why am I even here?" I asked myself, "Ohhhh this is a dream isn't? Something is going to jump out and scared me isn't? HA nice try mind, I am scared of nothing." I said smirking as I walked even faster with my chest puffed out in pride.

"Y/n~" A familiar voice whispered, "Huh? Who's there? You can't scared me so come out already or I'll kill you." I said annoyed, "Boss girl why are you always like this, I'm sorry I had to leave." the voice said my eyes lit up with joy, "Deku is that you?" I asked my insides feel like they have butterflies, "Yes~ it's me Y/n, why weren't you there for me?~" Deku asked, "What are you talking about? I'm always here for you, always and forever, day or night, whenever." I said confused.

"You weren't there for me Y/n, I'm going to die without you Y/n.~" Deku said the walls started to turn a black, "Baby I'll always be there for you, where are you now? I can help you!" I said looking around frantically, "Don't call me baby Y/n it's to late I'm dead and it's all your fault!~" Deku said his tone getting harsher, "NO! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU, YOUR NOT REAL! THIS IS A DREAM A VERY BAD DREAM  MY IZUKU IS ALIVE!" I shouted the walls started to close in on me, blood dripping down them.

"THIS IS NO DREAM OR NIGHTMARE YOU LET ME DIE Y/N! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT Y/N YOU LET ME DIE!" Deku kept yelling his voice glitching, "NO!" I yelled holding my head.

"Y/n?" I heard another voice that sounded more like Deku said I turned my head quickly, "Deku is that really you?" I asked desperate to see his face, "Y/N!" Deku shouted running to me the walls turned back to white and form the halls again.

"DEKU!" I shouted back running to him, "I missed you Y/n, where have you been." Deku asked, "I don't know in this horrible place with white walls and halls that never end look around your here too." I said squeezing Deku tighter, "Y/n." Deku said, "Yes." I answered, "Why did you let me die?" Deku asked looking at me with sad eyes, "What?" I ask in confusion.

"Why did you let me die!?" Deku asked again shaking me by my shoulders, "I-I but your right here and your fine." I said looking him up and down the walls turned black again, "Y/N PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE Y/N SAVE ME!" Deku shouted the blackness pulling him away from me, "Don't worry Deku I'll save you! I won't let anything happen to you!" I shouted chasing after him but  something stopped me from saving him, I looked down, the blackness stuck me to the floor/ground I'm not even sure anymore, "NO! STOP THIS IS A NIGHTMARE IT'S NOT REAL!" I shouted struggling to unstick myself, "HLEP ME, PLEASE Y/N, SAVE ME Y/N!" Deku screamed, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shouted in fear, anger, sadness, and other emotions.

"AH!" I shouted sitting up breathing heavy, "Touché mind touché." I said wiping the sweat off my forehead, "I need some water." I said walking over to the pond, I cup my hands filling them with water bringing it back to my mouth.

"What to do, what to do?" I asked myself once I was done drinking I sigh and look over to the side where Deku would work on my saddle and other gargets and smiled, 'Maybe having something of his would help me nap better.' I thought to myself walking over to Deku's little work shop I looked through his stuff until I found what I was looking for, 'The saddle I haven't had this on for a little while.' I thought picking it up.

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