First Day

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(Sorry this one is short)

Y/n's Pov.

"Bye mom!" Deku shouted running out the door, "Bye baby!" Inko shouted back tears of joy her eyes Izuku ran all the way to school to excited to stop I watch him from the sky following him all the way to the school.

'Dang it I can't watch him from here!' I mentality slapped myself I knew I wasn't supposed to be here All Might warned me not to come but I couldn't help myself.


"Young Midoriya, young Y/n I want to congratulate both for your hard work and to warn you Nezu the Principe has gotten interested in Y/n. So I advise you not to go anywhere near the school but I know you'll still follow Midoriya there." All Might said shaking his head at me, "You know me so well SkelMight." Y/n said smirking evilly, "Boss girl can't you ever play nice?" Deku asked, "No it's fun to make fun of SkelMight." I said laughing, "WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT!" All Might shouted, "Never~" I purred

(Flashback over)

'All I can do is.........sit and wait for him to go outside or school to be over with.' I sighed to myself hovering in the air I look at the windows of the school spotting Deku in one class, 'Mhhhh maybe I can go over to the window I am invisible.' I thought to myself flying over the U.A gates to the window I saw Deku in. I hooked my claws on the window ledge folding my wings and curling my tail, "Put this on and go outside to the training ground." I heard a gruff voice say, 'Perfect their going outside!'

I looked down at the ground to check for people passing. 'It's all clear.' I let go of the ledge and dropped to the ground, I sigh in relief, 'Now to find where Deku is training.' I thought lifting my head in the air to catch his sent, 'Come on come on- GOTCHA YA!' once I found Deku's sent I ran off to find him, 'Wait,wait, wait I should shift back they don't know I have a human form.' I thought shifting back to human, "That's better." I said before continuing to follow Deku's trail, "Young Y/n!?" 'Oh great I've been caught.' my head dropped and my body slouched, "I thought I warned Midoriya and you about coming here." All Might said a nun-to pleased expression.

"You did, bbbuuuttt I didn't listen because I have to watch over Deku." I said dragging out the but in the sentence, "Young Y/n I excepted better from you, considering you the responsible one in your dual." All Might said with disappointment and for some reason I felt sad or a let down, 'Why am I sad, it's not like I care about what he thinks about me.' I shake it off.

"I don't have time for this I have to find Deku so I can watch over him." I said stomping off, "Wait!" All Might called out to me I huffed then stopped looking back at him, "I can help you find Midoriya but you have to stay out of the way and stay near me." All Might said I thought for a minute before nodding and walking over to him.

"Good let's go." All Might said walking in the opposite way I was running, I followed All Might to a corner that's when he held me back from going any further and I started growling at him, "Shhhhh." All Might put a finger to his lips making the sound then pointing at the open field.

When I looked I saw Deku and his classmates getting ready for a test of some kind, "Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? Then, try doing it with your quirk give it your all.....go on your wasting out time." the teacher or homeless person asked Bakugou, 'I hate Bakugou so much tormenting my poor Deku I could kill him right now just one perfect blast he's not even on guard........NO! Deku told me not to worry about him.' I told myself shaking my head.

The teacher handed Bakugou the ball telling him the rules, "DIE...!" Bakugou shouted throwing the ball, "705.2 meters." a high pitched voice said, "All of you need to know the maximum of your capabilities it's the most rational way to figure out the best way to become a pro hero." the homeless man said, 'I need a nickname for him maybe just homeless?' I thought.

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