Long chapter pog?

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Yooooo 13k thank you so much! At first when I started the I didn't think we'd even hit 100 reads but here we are! Thank you guys!

----------------------- Oh yeah- before I forget T/W----------------------

Sapnap just continued to stare at the other, not giving an answer nor talk.

"Answer me." Chase demanded kicking Sapnap.

He let out a whimper at the kick still not answering. Chase lashed out again trying to kick him in the stomach, Sapnap tried to move away as far as possible from Chase.

Chase followed quickly, his foot kicking something he hadn't realized was there. The plyers from the night before flew towards the door. Reaching down, he gripped Sapnap by the hair and punched him in the face. "Why are you so selfish?" he asked, his voice breaking a bit.

'Ngh..' he groaned everything hurt so much his eyes were only half open, "Fuck you." Chase mumbled "I tried to be your friend but you are ruining everything." He slammed Sapnaps head into the wall before stepping back. "I wanted to be your friend but I don't think you deserve that after what you've done." Sapnap's head started bleeding upon impact with the wall as he whimpered.

"You are the reason Charlie does this you know? He's mad because of you. You deserve everything he does to you." Chase said harshly, although his voice wavered a bit at the thought of Charlie.

"....I-I'm..so-rr-y..." he coughed out quietly,

"I- wait no Sapnap I'm sorry." Chase was freaking out a bit at the apology, he had probably just ruined his chance at getting close to the boy. "No no I didn't mean this I'm so sorry." Sapnap didn't move nor say anything as Chase slid down a wall and hugged his knees to his chest, shoving his face in his knees. He took a deep breath, he didn't wanna be like Charlie.. Sapnap watched the man, he tried to get up and sat up to be able to move better but just fell over again. Chase just tried to control his breathing, there was no way he was going to cry in front of Sapnap.

"....I-it-'s...oka-y...t-o...cr-y...on-ce...in...a...wh-ile..." he choked out looking at the other.

"'m not crying." Chase mumbled out. "Shut up." he added a bit harsher as an afterthought. Sapnap gave a small nod going back to just lying on the floor as Chase continued to avert his gaze from Sapnap.

He looked himself over again, he hated how many bruises there were he hated the entire place

Chase wanted Charlie to be not mad again, that's all he wanted for his brother. His fists clenched at the thought of the argument from yesterday. Maybe Charlie was right, Chase needed him.

The boy thought about what Chase said. Am I selfish? I'm a bad friend aren't I?

"Am I important?" Chase suddenly asked, looking up towards Sapnap.

Sapnap looked back at Chase and nodded as Chase nodded looking back down.

"...W-hy...ar-e...y-ou...as-ki-ng..?" It was Chase's turn not to respond. He turned back to his nervous habit of picking his nails.

Sapnap just took the silence as an answer, he was hungry, but decided not to say anything. Chase looked towards Sapnap again, "Is it too late to try and be friends?"

Sapnap thought for a moment before shaking his head "...it-'s...ne-ver....to-o...la-te.." His eyes widened a bit in surprise, "You must be concussed. I literally just beat you up."-"..S-so?.." he shrugged he didn't understand Chase's point.

Chase didn't respond, he just laughed a bit and made his way through the door and back into the cold hallway. Sapnap just looked at the door and he was honestly confused.

Falling apart blind Wilbur soot angst Also Sapnap angst (Re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now