Sapnap, Techno and Wilbur

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Sapnap was well aware that Techno and Dream had to be awake for his plan to work.

He was brought back to reality as he heared the sound of a door opening and closing.

"Ahh your awake." Mr. Asshole said looking at the slightly intimidated boy infront of him.

"Why?" The boy asked not looking at the man infront of him. "Why what?" He replied raiseing an eyebrow, although he was pretty sure he knew what the boy meant.

"Why did you take them aswell?" The headband wearer specified.

"You know what I want, and I know you have it. And since your friends seem important to you, soneither you give it to me or your friends are gonna get it. You have 48 h." With that he left leaving the boy alone.

Techno woke up, he looked around pinicing a bit but as he saw Dream and Sapnap he calmed down a bit.

"Where are we?" He questioned. "The base where it all began...yeah thats cringy-" Sapnap said trying to convince himself it was gonna be alright.

They broke the eyecontact they had made and looked at the ground in silence. After the silence was getting uncomfortable for them they made eyecontact once again.

Technoblade noticed a glimpse of fear and pain in the youngers eyes, he wasn't really the type of Person to show emotion but If you looked close enough he could make out genuent care.

"We have 48 h...till..till he wants something I-well.." the black haired boy rambeld but stopped when it got harder to breath.


Wilbur was worried it was written all over his face, his brother was missing aswell as the boy he hung out with not to long ago.(they stayed up till 3am)

The others weren't handeling it well either bad had broken down, leaving the others seriously worried for him and Skeppy to comfort him.

Skeppy and Bad were the only ones who new how to comfort others.

The war had damaged the others not phisicly well most of them, but emotionaly they were really not in a good state.

Skeppy and Bad weren't as emotionaly damaged as the others, so they did their best to help them.

Falling apart blind Wilbur soot angst Also Sapnap angst (Re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now