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"My chest hurts so much. I want to go home!" Donghyuck grunted in pain, his sheets were usually very bloody or his bathroom would have balls of bloody linen scattered across. As days started passing he started having a fear of dying inside a book.

Waddling across the enormous palace of this ancient 13 century BC kingdom that not one single history book had, the brunette pushed his glasses behind as he padded towards the library. He loved books and he enjoyed fictional romance but right now his life was a romantic joke. He saw Mark staring out into the city below, his eyes were glossy and his hands were bawled. Was he alright?

"Finding your next target are you?" Donghyuck giggled at the older but he wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"Why must I when I've got you?" Mark pulled him in-between his arms and slammed him on the wall.

"D-Dont. Stop behaving so superior. You are a fucking coward in the book." Donghyuck whimpered at the tight hold behind his wrists.

"What book? Haven't you lost your mind after being sick constantly?" Mark smirked, he must admit that he had caught an unhealthy addiction to those teeny pink nippies.

"Fuck off you fucking pervert! Stop molesting me!! Urghh!!" In Marks eyes Haechans rebelious nature seemed attractively hot which pushed him to molest him further. He started peppering soft butterfly smooches down the boys neck, his free arm feeling the curves of the brunettes, fondling with those tiny pink man tiddies. They were so full and squishy it was additive.

"Ahh!!! Stop it!!!! Fuck you!!!!.......M-Mark...... nghhaahhhahh." Donghyuck moaned but his moans were shut when he was pushed into a cupboard as Mark pretended to be interested in a book. The brunette was first confused but the understood why the prince had a change of behaviour. The king had decided to pay the boy a visit.

Marks expressions changed every minute, from anger to frustration to helplessness. He looked feeble and used, as if he were the puppet and Doyoung was the string bearer. Donghyuck waited until the king left as he came out with a pout. Mark looked up at him with a sigh. The depressive aura showed less but Mark sure had been depressed for years.

"Father is set to sail tomorrow at dawn. Which means things won't be the same for sometime. I'd be very busy attending to his meetings." Mark mumbled to himself as he ran an army through his golden hair. Donghyuck gulped, that was undeniably hot and those blue orbs of the boy made him all jelly.

When the king set sail that morning Donghyuck saw how tired Mark looked, frustrated and annoyed. He tried his best to control himself, as the Queen followed a beautiful frail man stood weakly beside the prince. The king's lover perhaps, Jennie would return in two days as Doyoung would continue his voyage.

"Stay safe dear." Donghyucks fictional mother sniffled at his father. Why'd he know that something would happen? Because he read the book. Right?

"You look quite troubled. Is everything alright?" Mark wrapped an arm around the younger boys waist and licked his collar bone making the brunette gasp at the interaction.

"Why would you care? All you ever care about is how you could keep molesting me." Donghyuck hissed at the prince who slipped his arms under the younger boys shirt, the older lips touching places on that rose gold canvas.

"You'll miss me when I'm gone." Said Mark sucking his nape as he left without another word.

Though Donghyuck hated the fact that Mark had the power to molest him, he missed him when he wasn't around. Ever since Doyoung left the blonde boy had been busy running errands for his father. The brunette started coughing as he saw a letter on his pillow, he carefully tore the wax to read it.

Have you eaten well?
Take your medicines on time,
Fondest regards,

For some reason it made the younger blush at the letter, it was sweet of him to send a letter just so to remind him of his presence. Smiling the weak thin boy sat down to write a reply.

I haven't,
Food doesn't taste good.
My chest hurts.
Fondest hatred,

Giggling the brunette gave the letter to the lazy jaguar who slept on his bed, he patted the large cat as he sniffled softly. He missed home, he missed his life as a highschool healthy child. Sighing he waved at the cat leave.

Mark missed Haechan more than he could explain but he was too cowardly accept that he had begun to love the boy. Also he didn't want that beauty to live a miserable life as a mistress like his biological mother. He tried to avoid those round eyes yet he always ended up getting distracted by those orbs.

"They said you were sick." Mark sat next to Donghyucks bed, the younger weakly nodded sitting up.

"It hurts so much I can't bare it no longer. I wish I could die sooner." A finger was placed on the beauty's thick red lips, that wasn't how they were going to end. Were they?

"I'm the depressed one. Not you. You'll be fine, you always have." Said the prince, his fingers tracing the boys bare chest, Haechan was too tired to fight so he let him do anything.

"W-Why do you enjoy molesting me Mark?" Donghyuck weakly mumbled, his lips dry with pain. His eyes droopy with fatigue.

"Baby is it me or are you doing something to me? I don't know.......I just get drawn towards you, like a moth drawn towards fire." Mark whispered coming closer to the brunettes face, his eyes flickering from those lips to his eyes.

"I'm sick.........I cough blood, I have TB Mark." Donghyuck breathed, knowing the older would kiss him nevertheless. The older cradled the chubby cheek with his free hand as they stared at each other long enough to drown into one others bewitching orbs.

A Twist With A Past You [MarkHyuck]Where stories live. Discover now