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"M-Mark........Mark honey wake up." The soft voice of his Hyuckie made him frown, he tried to wake up but something made him remain still.

"Markie I'm sorry. Please my tummy hurts. Wake up." The voice broke which made Mark sit up with a gasp, he was sweating, his shirt was drenched and he drew in harsh breaths.

Donghyuck sat next to him, with a rather big tummy. Marks eyes shot up to the scrunching face of the beauty, he was crying. It seemed that the brunette was pregnant, four months perhaps. Those stubby fingers felt his chest, as he gasped with pain.

"Hyuckie?" Mark cupped the chubby cheeks as Donghyuck suffered to move.

"M-Markie.......It hurts. A-Am I going to l-lose the baby again?" Donghyucks lips trembled as he hugged his baby bump tightly and shivered.

Mark seemed lost, was it all a dream? Or was it real? He didn't understand, as he laid the beauty down on the bed again he blew softly over those big beary orbs. Calming the younger down slowly, as Donghyuck calmed he lifted a stubby finger, tracing the frown on the olders forehead.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have argued with you about your mom. He just wants me to be safe, If I wasn't blind we wouldn't have lost our first baby neither would you have keep baby sitting me. I-If you feel pressured by this relationship, maybe you could take a break hyung. From me. I'm burdening you so much...........You never sleep well, you were having a nightmare too. I hope I died in your dream, maybe then you would have married your girl friend." Donghyuck whispered as he turned around, staring into space.

Those words killed Mark, for Haechan died twice because of him in his dream, what was this? Was it reality? He got off the bed and walked out the room, that had pictures of himself and Donghyuck. Fairy lights and so many tiny pictures of just them. He was startled when his phone rang, it said Mom. He swiped right.

"When will you stop making him feel small? I know you guys argued because of me but Mark remember that you chose him over Koeun. You broke her heart into pieces because you wanted to marry Hyuck. If you had the audacity to fuck him then the children he carries should be your responsibility! How long are you going pretend you love him? Why did you even drink so many sleeping pills?!" That all so familiar voice shouted at him on the other line.

That's when everything slowly sunk in, He was a boy who was in love with Koeun for like forever but met blink Donghyuck at the flower shop down town. WithAllStars. He wanted to marry him, and he did but things didn't go as planned. Donghyuck was blind and Mark started getting irritated which lead to the poor boy loosing his first baby by tripping down the stairs. No matter how much the brunette said he loved him, Mark never understood it. He took him for granted and then they argued because Taeyong wanted the pregnant male to spend his pregnancy at home instead of with his husband.

"You are fucking selfish!!! All you ever think of is yourself!!! I lost my baby because you thought staying at the company and not answering my calls were better! Now you don't give a fuck about me! Why did you break Koeun noona's heart and marry me then?! All you ever do is threaten me that you'll kill yourself! I hate you Mark!" Donghyucks voice screamed in his head, the scenarios replaying in his mind. So was it the fear of loosing his wife that turned into a nightmare or was Donghyuck really his fated soulmate that had been his for years.

"Mark wake up. It's morning." Donghyuck shook the older who had drifted off to sleep on the couch.

"Huh? Where am I?" Mark blinked at Donghyuck who had a faint but broken smile.

"Home. Jeno will be coming to take me home, I thought I'll spend time with Junnie and the kids. Maybe we weren't meant to be together. Breakfast is ready, freshen up and eat." Saying So the brunette tried to leave, Mark held his wrist and made him sit next to him. Donghyuck felt the couch as he sat down with a pout, his arm on his baby bump.

"My head hurts. One moment I'm in the 11th century, then I'm beaten to a plump by Dad, you were fucking me and then years later when I thought you were dead you were alive but blind. Now I wake up and you are pregnant and blind. Hyuckie what's happening to me? What's all these?" Mark looked at the teddy bear like boy, those stubby arms reached up to Marks face, tracing his features as the younger sighed.

"You lost me in all your lives because of your fault Mark, it wasn't a dream, it was a journey through your tragedies. When will you ever mend your ways? I was born blind in this life because I died when the glass cut through my neck, it broke the curse but I'm born with now again. Your mistakes are given to me Mark. Please while I'm not here with you. Figure your shit out." Donghyuck pressed his lips on Marks as he stood up to carry his bag, but a strong arm carried it for him. It was Jeno, his brother in law and best friend. As the younger passed through Marks door the older just broke down crying because he couldn't figure out his life right now and his only strength was leaving him.

"I fucking love you so much Donghyuck. I love you so much its killing me. Why can't I just tell you that then all these wouldn't have ever happened!" Mark balled his eyes out into his knees as the beauty left leaving him to himself.

A Twist With A Past You [MarkHyuck]Where stories live. Discover now