Chapter Nine | Tutoring Sessions

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More of a filler chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter though!

Goal: 15 Votes or 5 comments!
I'll update even if we don't reach the goal. (:


Blake was right when he said he knew how to make a soufflé. A good one in the matter. Ms. O' Connor gave us an A on our project, which was a good thing.

I kept tapping my feet in Calculus class as I was trying to solve the problems on the quiz. So far the only thing that was filled out was my name and class period. Also, the date, well half of it. I forgot the date so the only thing I wrote was the month and year.

I glanced up at the board and saw the words 'Clear your desk. Pencil and Eraser out, quiz today! 20 points!' in black.

I cursed when I forgot that there was a quiz today. I stared down at the blank paper as I studied the questions.

I began writing the answers down to the questions, not even trying to check if I was correct or not. Right when I finished the last problem, the bell rang and I swatted the tiny eraser shavings that were scattered all over.

It was now lunch. I stood in front of the vending machine and bought a can Coca-Cola with a bag of baked, crunchy flavoured chips. Jasmine was sitting at a table outside of the cafeteria with Luke and Blake.

"So how was the math test?" Jasmine asked, taking a sip of my soda. I shot her a glare while she laughed.

"Horrible, I hate math," I responded, opening the bag of potato chips.

"What do you have in the class?" Blake questioned. His eyes met mine as he grabbed my chips. He munched on a few chips loudly to tease me.

Why was everyone stealing my food?!

"A high C," I grumbled out stealing my bag of chips away from him. He smirked and shook his head.

"I thought you were good at Calculus."

"I am...but lately the lessons have been a pain in the ass. Especially, the lessons in Unit 5."

"I could tutor you, no charge," Blake winked at me.

"Yeah, Blake's good in Calculus," Luke murmured. He was slouching in his chair and I caught his eyes staring at the bag of chips in my hands. I sighed before giving him a dirty look and offered him the rest of my chips. His eyes lit up and he mouthed a thank you.

"It's okay. I can catch up, shouldn't be that hard," I answered. Jasmine scoffed at my weak answer.

"Would you rather risk that C dropping to a D Delilah?" Blake questioned in his husky voice of his and cocked his head.

He was teasing me. His hand patted my bare thigh waiting for my response. He knew I couldn't risk my grades dropping any lower.

"Fine," I gave in.

"We'll go to my place after school and I'll help you with the lesson." Blake's lips tugged up into a smirk. He got up and left with Luke.

"Okay so, Damon asked me out about a week ago," she exclaimed happily. A grin spread across her face.


"Not Salvatore, I mean I wish, but hot Damon from my English class."

"What did you say?"

"Obviously I said yes!" Her eyes bugged out and a smile plastered on her face.

"That's good," I nodded my head.

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