Chapter Eight | Soufflé

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New Update. Woooo! Enjoy.



I pulled my dress down further as Blake and I walked halfway through the school's parking lot. Most cars weren't there as students left to go home. There were a few cars that were actually still parked.

For some odd reason, I felt nervous. I mean I'm going to be in a car alone...with Blake.

He was clearly way taller than me. His height was intimidating and I felt like a small child while he looked like a big man. Even his steps were huge and I couldn't even walk at the pace as he was. His arms touched against mine and I felt a jolt of pleasure run through me.

"Walk faster Kitten," he purred. My cheeks were red and my palms were starting to get sweaty.

"Coming," I let out.

I wasn't watching where I was going and my nose bumped against Blake's hard back. I let out a 'oomph' sound and took a few steps back holding the bridge of my nose. There was a small, sharp pain.

"You okay?" Blake asked.

I nod my head. That was so embarrassing. I just bumped my nose against someone's back. How much clumsier can I get?

"My car is right there," he said nonchalantly, pointing to a black Volvo. The car was shiny and the windows were tinted.

Blake and I stopped in front of the car and I admired it's beauty whilst Blake was laughing.

"Get in Kitten," he whispered against my ear.

I walked towards the other side of the car and sat in the seat. Blake got in starting the car. Blake pulled his seatbelt on with a click. He looked in my direction and shook his head.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

Blake didn't reply but grab my seatbelt and clicked it on. His hands brushed against my breasts. I felt my breasts starting to harden. He was looking at me intensely and his lips tugged up into a smirk.

How did I forget to put my seatbelt on?

He gripped the steering wheel firmly and smoothly pulled out of the school's parking lot and began driving to my house. He turned on the radio and rap music started blaring out the speakers.

He rolled the windows all the down. He was driving fast and all the wind made my hair fall into my face. Blake ran his hand through his hair as the wind had no effect on his hair.

Blake gave off a sexual vibe that made me want to wrap myself against his body. I blushed at my dirty thoughts of Blake and I having sex. It felt weird knowing that this man next to me made me want to jump his bones. I couldn't blame him, he was undeniably sexy.

"Tell me about yourself," he said, arching his neck to see the side mirror. I saw one of his veins pop out when he arched his neck and I swear my panties got instantly wet.

"W-what do you want to know?" I question.

"Anything," he said looking at me and giving me one of his infamous smirk.

"I like the color blue and I love eating pizza. Supernatural is my favourite show. I have one older brother and my parents are separated but are still in contact," I answered all in one breath.

"Interesting," he replied.

"Why'd you move here?" I asked with curiosity.

He scratched the back of his neck, one hand on the steering wheel.

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