Chapter Six | Bright Eyes

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Jerome came home last night at midnight. I was laying spread across the leather couch watching Full House when he rushed inside the house and angrily, slammed the door. I jumped a little at the loud bang.

He didn't look happy when he came home.

When he saw me on the couch he gave me a hard, cold stare before stomping up the stairs.

I was beyond confused on why he looked at me the way he did.

What did I do?

Closing the TV, I dragged myself off the couch and jogged upstairs. I walked towards his room and knocked his bedroom door.

No answer.

"Jerome?" I asked, knocking on his door again.


"Jerome, seriously what the hell is wrong?"


I barged into his room without thinking and saw him sitting on the corner of his bed turned around so I saw his backside.

"What the fuck do you want Delilah?" he questioned, angrily. He turned around and faced me. His eyes were darker than usual, almost like a blackish colour. But the thing is Jerome's eyes are a happy shade of blue.

"Jerome, your eyes..."

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He kept inhaling for a while with his eyes closed for a while. His breathing got rougher each time he inhaled. He opened them again and his eyes a lighter shade now.

I was now utterly confused on what the hell was happening.

"Are you like Superman? Or what?" I questioned, a brow raised.

"What?" he replied, scrunching his eyebrows and frowning.

"Well your eyes were this blackish colour, then you closed your eyes and breathed all weird, and now your eyes are back to blue. Well almost, it's a dark blue," I stated.

He stared at me with an expression that I couldn't even tell.

"Nothing. That's all nothing. Don't worry about it." he replied, shaking his head.

"Jerome that's not 'nothing' that's not normal," I said staring at him for a response.

"Look, Delilah, I said not to worry about it." he replied standing up now, walking towards me. "So, why don't you mind your fucking business and stop trying to get in mine, alright?"

I swallowed a rock that was in my throat. Jerome could be harsh towards me but I never seen him being like this towards me. My throat felt dry. I was a fish out of its bowl needing water.

Jerome must've seen the hurt that appeared on my face because once he saw my expression, a flash of regret passed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lilah. I didn't mean to yell at you. Something bad happened tonight and it was just shit." he apologized, looking at me.

I wanted to ask him what happened but he wasn't in a good mood so I left it.

"It's fine...I'm going to go. Sorry for bothering you." I hesitantly responded and headed towards the door.


"Yeah?" I turned around, my body facing him.

"Just be safe." he replied, looking cautious.

Why did he want me to be safe? Of course I'm going to be safe. I mean it's not like I'm going to get murdered by a psycho.

"Sure," I said, nodding my head.

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