Chapter One | Game Of Hide N' Seek

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Blake Matthews.

That was the only name that was stuck in my head, at this moment. His name kept repeating over and over again in my head. Even his name sounded sexy. The sound of his name gave off a powerful and sexual vibe, that made shivers rock through my body.

I was focused on one thing, and that thing was his skilled lips on mine.

It took me a few seconds to realize that I'm kissing a stranger that I don't know at all. Wait no, I'm having a stranger kiss me, that I hardly knew.

I pulled away from his soft lips and tried to catch my breath, because as cliché as this sounds...that kiss took my breath away. Even though I haven't known this sex god for all my life, I felt comfortable with him and him touching me. It was like his touch was magical.

Before I knew it, Blake put me on his lap, sniffing my hair.

"Uhh..." I said.

What do you say to a sex god you don't know and who kissed you?

"You're so innocent and cute," he said sniffing my hair.

He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist holding me. His touch gave me a sexual vibration. The feeling was new to me, but oddly I liked it.

"You don't have a lunch," he said plainly, furrowing his eyebrows looking at me.

Well, no shit, Sherlock Holmes. I already know that.

"I know," I replied, dryly.

"Eat," he said huskily, as I saw a tray of cheese pizza, an apple, and a bottle of Arrowhead water on the table.

"I'm not taking your lunch," I replied, staring at the tray with heaven's creation.

"I'm not really hungry."

"Eat. If you don't eat within the next 10 seconds, I'm going to shove the pizza down your throat."

I sigh, now defeated. I picked up the pizza, wiggling a bit to get out of his tight grip on me, and grabbed the cheese pizza and chewed the pizza.

Feeling his eyes burn on the side of my head, I shifted a bit, since I was a bit uncomfortable with him staring at me, but it felt normal. I feel uncomfortable when anyone stares at me to be exact.

After finishing heaven's creation, my throat felt dry, so I grabbed the water bottle that was next to the apple and took a gulp. The cold, fresh water came in contact with my tongue, as I gulped the water down - I still felt his gaze on me, mainly on my lips as I gulped the water on.

"Thank you, for the err...the lunch. I'll pay you back," I said, turning around so I could actually face him.

"You're welcome and no you don't have to pay me back," he replied looking back at me. For a second, his eyes were filled with lust and adoration.

I turned around so my back was facing his chest and then I heard my name being shouted.

"Delilah!" shouted Jasmine, looking amused, happy, and confused at the same time.

"I told you! I told you, you'd get a boyfriend when I'm gone, and I was gone for-" she stops to check her watch, "8 minutes and I see you've probably jumped his bones already."

I felt Blake chuckle underneath me, causing me to feel warm for some, unusual reason. His chuckle was deep and sexy, which was turning me on.

Does everything he do turn me on?

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