Chapter Three | Dinner and John Green

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I walked down the wooden stairs with Blake walking behind me. I felt his gaze on me, as we walked down - well my ass to be precise.

When we both made it into the kitchen, he smacked my ass hard, making me yelp. I turned around, narrowing my eyes at him. He smirked in return.

"Asshole," I mumbled.

When we were about to take a seat on the dining table, Blake grabbed my wrist, making my body slam against his chest. I let out a small gasp.

"What?" I questioned anxiously, looking at him.

"What did you call me?"

"Castle," I replied too quickly.

"I slapped your bum and you called me a castle?"

"Yeah," I whispered.

"If I'm the castle, you can me my Princess," he grinned. I blush feeling my cheeks turn hot.

"You're so cheesy, Matthews."

"Hey, that was original."

"Yeah, I guess it was," I laughed.

I saw Blake sit down and I was about to sit on a chair that was near his mom, when he grabbed my wrist - again. I looked back, seeing that he wants me to sit next to him. I huffed and sat next to him.

"Blake, your sister will be a bit late. She's over at her ma-boyfriend's house," said Brenda, with a nervous laugh. Blake nodded his head.

Brenda places the food down on the table, as I felt Blake's eyes burning against the side of my head, making me wiggle in my seat.

Just then, I heard the front door being opened, then closed shut. I heard heavy footsteps that were coming near the kitchen.

Turning my body around, I'm greeted by a tall man who stood about 6'2 with dark brown hair wearing black jeans and a black button up top with a white shirt underneath. His blue-green eyes instantly met my blue ones. He was handsome and looked very, very intimidating. I gulped as his eyes continued to bore into mine.

Even his posture was intimidating and rigid as if his spine had been replaced with a metal rod. His face was emotionless and wooden. He must be Blake's father. I can see where Blake gets his looks from.

His eyes tore away from mine, and instantly walked to his wife, Brenda. He pecked her on the cheek lightly.

Brenda's cheek turns into a shade a pink within seconds, as she giggles like a schoolgirl.

"Oh, Max, we have the girl that Blake told us about," Brenda said to her husband. She sounded cautious. Her husband nodded his head, and sat on one of the chairs, which happened to be across from me.


Brenda came over and placed a plate full of smoked salmon, barbecue ribs, and orange chicken. She walked back to the kitchen and grabbed another plate this time with mash potatoes with a bowl of gravy and steamed rice.

The food looks amazing and on cue my stomach growls loudly, making Blake smirk, Brenda chuckle, and Blake's father look at me with an emotionless face. I have a feeling he doesn't like me.

As everyone sat down, we immediately began to dig in to the delicious meals.

"So, Delilah are you and Blake together?" asked Brenda.

"Oh uh..."

What should I say? He never asked me out, so we're not dating. I can tell we're not friends, by the way he looks at me. What the hell are we? Wait, I just met his arse two days ago!

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