Chapter Seven | New Kid

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This book is going to be short. It won't be that long. So don't be surprised if it ends around 20 chapters. Other than that, here's a new chapter.




My breathing hasn't calmed down ever since I saw the large animal. I've slouched down on the couch too afraid to go anywhere else in the house.

I was terrified and afraid that the dog would come back. It might attack and kill me next time it sees me. My chest was still heaving up and down, rapidly. I couldn't process what I saw.

I didn't even live close to the woods. The woods was approximately 4 miles away from my house. Several questions swam through my mind.

Was that large creature a neighbor's dog? Why was it so big and have an abnormal eye colour? How did it even trespass into my yard?

I even thought about calling animal control when the dog was still outside. But what animal control center can take care of an animal that dangerous and huge?

Jerome came home couple minutes after I had finally calmed down.

"I thought you would be on your way back to college," I said. He usually left on Sunday nights, so seeing him here was unusual.

I looked at Jerome. His eyes were wild. He had dark bags under his eyes making him look like he just woke up. His body was stiff and cautious. He looked alert.

Jerome saw me looking at him and his eyes widened once they meet my blue ones. His eyes filled a pool of shock and surprise. He looked like he's been caught by his predator.

"Delilah, I just forgot some stuff here and I need to take them," he hesitantly responded. His eyes were hard and were still glued to me. His pink lips were formed in a tight line. He stayed quiet waiting for my response.

"Where did you go earlier?" I inquired curiously.

"What?" questioned Jerome furrowing his eyebrows. He shook his head and squinted his eyes.

"You left a note saying you'd be gone for the day."

He deeply sucked in a breath and exhaled. His body, eyes, and face were now fully alert.

"Yes, I did. I went to do things. Just some errands. Don't worry about it," was all he said. He cleared his throat.

"Are you telling me the truth?" I asked. Jerome wouldn't give me an unreasonable excuse.

"What's with these questions, Delilah? Why are you so worried about me? I was just in the woods with a couple of my pals from college. Look, I have to go and get my things now." He walked up the stairs in a hurry.

I sighed, standing up and walking to the kitchen, I picked up the chicken flavoured noodle packet off the floor and put it back inside the wooden cabinet. I wasn't hungry anymore. Not after I saw the creature.

"Hello," a voice behind me said. Gasping, I turned around looking at the person behind me. It was Mum and she was holding a blue mug.

"Mum, you're home!" I shouted, pulling her for a tight hug.

She let out a soft laugh. "I am."

"How was New York?" I asked pulling away from her.

Mum worked in a company business for a popular clothing line. She travels all over at times when her boss calls for a meeting in a specific place. She usually travels once a month and comes back home within 2-4 days.

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