Chapter Two | Jerome

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Boom, an update. Am I amazing now? Haha. (\-\)

Warning: this chapter contains a steamy, sexual scene. If you're uncomfortable with, skip the scene.



Calculus is difficult and confusing.

I don't get a single problem in today's lesson or yesterday's and the day before that and well you get the point.

I didn't despise Maths as much as I despise Mrs. Prescott. The woman hates my damn guts for no apparent reason. Well every teacher in LWHS doesn't enjoy my company except my Health teacher.

I've never done anything wrong to her. I blame Jerome. Jerome had her and she hated him as well. He and his friends used to pull pranks on her every week. He barely even passed her class but he did, somehow. So, now seeing I'm Jerome's sister, she hates me.

I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and saw it was near the ending of the period. Only one more period for today and I get to go home and watch Supernatural, but what I actually mean is adore Dean Winchester and his pretty face.

He's sexy, but not as sexy as Blake.

"Clock, hurry the f*ck up and go faster, you slow piece of ticking sh*t," I mumbled under my breath, making my seat partner look at me weirdly.


Hallelujah! I'm finally out of the hell hole - well part, I'm still in school.

Quickly walking to gym, I went to the girl's locker room and changed into my gym outfit. The outfit was decent and consisted of a baggy grey t-shirt with the school's name stamped in the front and blue shorts that reached up to my knees.

Heading over to the court, I noticed Blake eyeing me. Shit, he looked hot as well.

He just looked so good, I felt like jumping him. He had this dangerous and mysterious vibe that made him even sexier.

My thoughts were interrupted when a brunette, a bit taller than me by a couple of inches, came up to me.

"Hello, I'm Jessie," she greeted, smiling at me.

"Hi, I'm Deliah," I smiled back.

I never seen her before. She must one of the new kids as well. She was gorgeous. She had dark brown hair that reached up to her waist and green eyes with a faint hint of blue. Jessie seemed to have a hyper personality.

"Do you want to hang out with me later?" she questioned, looking at me.

"Sure, I'd like that," I replied, smiling at her.

"That's great. I'm new which you probably may know," she chuckles, showing her left dimple.

"Oh I've noticed. Where did you come from?" I asked.


That explains why she has the perfect tan, while my skin is milky white.

"Oh, that's great. I've always wanted to go Florida. How is it?"

"Hot." she laughed.

"Oh, so is anyone else new apart from you. Heard there was a group."

"Yeah, uh my brother, he's new as well. He's in this class actually. Also, a couple of people."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, I'll introduce you to him later, c'mon the gym teacher is staring at us," she said, shivering in disgust.

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