Chapter Five | Games

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I was struggling keeping my eyes shut and going to sleep.

Not with Delilah here laying down so close next to me.

My Wolf kept wanting out. It was difficult holding my Wolf back as we both wanted to claim her and make her as ours.

I sighed, shutting my eyes. I opened my eyes again to look at the blue clock on her wooden nightstand.

3:28 a.m.

I turned my head to the side where Delilah rested her head on my chest. She was cuddled up next to me. Her arm wrapped around my chest with a firm grip and her leg tangled with mine.

I hugged her body closer and tucked her to my side. She smiled and leaned in. I enjoyed the warm feeling that ran through my body as our bodies were touching. It was almost electrifying and I loved it.

I trailed my eyes down in her body keeping my dirty thoughts in my mind. Her chest moving up and down as she breathed steadily.

I changed her outfit yesterday night seeing she kept moving uncomfortably in her dress when she was asleep. I took off my shirt and looked away as I changed her.

I didn't like the fact I was going to watch her half naked without her consent. I felt like she would be uncomfortable with that. I did my best to put her outfit on.

At one point when I was changing her outfit, her head wouldn't go through the hole of my shirt. I only looked then wondering why her head wouldn't go through fully, but was only in halfway. I tried not to laugh when I saw her Hello Kitty bra.

It took me a while to find out that I was shoving her head through the arm hole instead of the head hole. I face palmed myself at my stupidity.

I inhaled her scent hoping it'd relax me enough to make me sleep. I loved her intoxicating smell of vanilla and peaches.

I stared at her face admiring her features and beauty. Her eyebrows were furrowed down and scrunched. Her mouth was slightly open with drool coming out trailing to her chin.

I chuckled lightly wiping the trail drool of her chin with my thumb. I rubbed my thumb on the hem of my shirt getting the drool off.

She shifted a bit moving her body. She turned around and positioned her body in a ball form making me alarmed.

I looked down as see her body was positioned away from me. Her back was touching my chest and her butt was touching my grion.

I held a groan in.

I really need to stop being horny when I'm around her. But even the slightest touch from her makes me want to claim her.

This made me think of how much I know her. Like actually know her. It made me upset that I knew nothing about her. I want to know every little thing about her. All her fears, secrets, everything.

I want to spend time with her. When her presence is around all I can think is mating.

I don't want that.

I want the things that lead up to us making love.

I want to experience the slow kissing and the heated, passionate kissing. Then the pulling closer as her chest flushes against mine. The sweet neck kisses, the grabbing, the intimate grinding, biting, and heavy breathing. The short pauses as we catch our breaths.

All of that.

I've done most of that with her but I want it to be done in a passionate, gentle way. Not in a way that she feels that I only want sex. I want more than that.

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