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Update: I wrote this book as a joke. This book is mainly about sex. I had no experience in writing while writing the drafts. Now, I'm thinking about changing it but I won't since many of you like it. Fair warning, it's crap. I recommend you not to read this. But if you do, enjoy!




Turning around I found my neighbour, Hunter, holding a Canon Rebel t3i in his hands. He picked up the camera, that was dangling in front of his chest, and takes another picture as the 'snap' was heard.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion and irratation, I realized he's taking a photo of me-well my body to be exact. Looking down, I notice I'm wearing my black undergarments.

"I'm loving the view here, babe!" he shouted, a smirk appearing on his freckled face, as he takes another picture.

I angrily marched to the window sill, opening the window a couple of inches, so it'd be easier to shout at him.

"What the hell, Hunter?" I snapped.

"What?" he asked innocently, as if taking pictures of people in their undergarments is totally normal.

"You can't just take pictures of people like that!"

"Jerome said it was fine, unless you get caught," he said, referring to my older brother.

"You imbecile, you did get caught! And why the bloody hell would you listen to Jerome?"

"He gets most chicks," he shrugged nonchalantly. I narrowed my eyes, glaring at the devil.

Hunter West, also Satan himself disguised as a proclaimed 'innocent' fourteen-year-old boy. He moved into the neighbourhood two years ago, with his Dad. Let me tell you this, those two years consisted of hell and agony.

I cross my arms over my chest. I quickly uncross them, feeling uncomfortable and annoyed, when Hunter's beady eyes immediately landed on my chest.

"I was in enjoying that," muttered Hunter, sticking out his bottom lip.


"Pervert!" he mocked, in a overly high pitched voice, that made us both cringe.

"Delete the pictures," I said in a calm tone, when really it meant 'you-better-delete-those-photos-or-I'll-shove-my-foot-so-far-up-your-arse-it'd-come-out-of-your-mouth.'

"Naw, I really like these photos," he replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Delete the damn photos, West," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Like I said before, nope!" he replied, popping the 'p.'

"Hunter, I'm not kidding. Delete the photos. Now."

"Nahhh," he replied, taking another damn photo.

I realize that I'm still in my undergarments, and I didn't even bother putting a robe on. Oh well, it's not like it's the first time, Hunter took a photo of me in my bra and panties. I'm pretty much used to it, but what really surprised me was that he would take a photo at 1 a.m.

"West, I'm not fucking kidding right now. Delete the damn photos, before I stab a pen deep in your pupil," I hissed, now feeling the need to stab myself with a pen in the pupil.

"Kinky...I like it." he winked, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips. I narrow my eyes at him, hoping he'd turn into ashes if I glare hard enough.

"Okay, I'll delete the photo...," he trailed off.

"If?" I asked.

"If you kiss me."

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