Chapter Four | Party Time

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Once Jerome and I got out of Target, he stopped at Moe's liquor store and bought drinks then drove off home.

"So, who was your friend?" Jerome questioned, glancing at me while dialing on his cell phone.

"No one really," I replied mumbling. I wasn't sure if I should tell him it was Blake. I mean sure he doesn't know that Blake's the one who texted me, but I felt like I shouldn't tell him yet. Maybe later.

"Yes, I would like 10 boxes of pizza. 5 cheese and 5 pepperoni. Yeah, okay. Thanks," Jerome said over the speaker.

"You're going to purchase 10 boxes of pizza? You do realize they're $11 each?" I asked.

"It's a party, not a mini sleepover with my friends. Besides I'm using mom's credit card," he replied shrugging.

"You do realize she'll see that you ordered 10 boxes of pizza and be suspicious?" I asked.

He took his phone away from his ear and widened his eyes and pursed his lips tightly.

"I'll use Toby's credit card. He won't mind," he said nonchalantly. Toby was our Mum's 'friend.' I mean they weren't exactly dating but they're not friends either.

"How did you get his credit card?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"I have my ways," he winked.

"Hey, when's Mum coming back?"

"She's coming back, I think, tomorrow night."

"Good, because last time she caught us, she almost turned us into a sheesh kabob. Literally."

"Oh God, don't remind of that memory. Honestly, for a minute I thought I saw steam coming out of her ears," Jerome responded, raised his hand and rubbed his face.

"Well, I'm going to my room, call me when the party is about to start."

"We live in the house where the party is being hosted, I don't think that's a problem," he replied, spreading his legs lazily on the couch.

"Whatever, just call me."

"Yeah, yeah. Now shut up and let me watch my show, will ya?" he replied. I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

I jogged up the stairs and opened the door of my room. I plopped onto my bed, landing flat on my stomach.

"I'm bored," I moaned out loud.

Grabbing my iPhone, I went through my contacts trying to find Jasmine's name. Finally finding her name as the 30th contact, I pressed the call button. After a few rings, she picked up.

"What the hell do you want?" she greeted tiredly.

"Well damn, hello to you too," I replied rolling my eyes.

"Sorry, Nathan's been a brat and been causing trouble," she replied, stress clearly in her tone.

"You know that hot guy I told you about like," she paused, "two days ago?"


"Well...I found out where he lives," she squeals so loud, I wince.

"What? Jasmine, are you crazy? And how did you find out?"

"Jones," she replied.

Cory Jones was one of the smartest nerds in our school, also a computer hacker. He was a genius with computers. Cory must've hacked the school computers. He's been having a crush on Jasmine since the first grade, so that explains how she got Jones to find out where the 'hot guy' lives.

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