chapter 1

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It was 6 am when my alarm went off. Today was Monday. Survey says that Monday is the hatest day but to me, it is a relief. No one wants to go to school on weekends right?

But for me, I've to do my house chores and not to forget grocery shopping. You see living on self isn't an easy task for a mere 18 yr old foreign student. I'm in secondary high school currently preparing for boards exam. 

Only six months left, until then endure it Hida. When I came here, It took me one whole month to settle down, moreover here people are also quite friendly and welcoming.

I've 2 crazy friends Natalia and Jordan, and I was glad to find that Natalia was also from my home country whereas Jordan is from Italy. Plugging my phone in charger, setting my bag with books I take a cold mind freshening shower to kick my sleepiness away.

I wear a simple brown loose pullover and sweats with sneakers. Walking in my kitchen I prepare a simple yogurt and strawberry smoothie and a cup of strong coffee to kick start into my system. Securing the locks, I wait near poles for Natalia to arrive.

I see  black Nissan from a distance indicating the arrival of Natalia. I hop in the shotgun. 

"hey! Hida" Natalia greeted cheerfully with a smile as bright as sunlight.

"Hello! Talia" I too replied in a sing-song voice buckling the seatbelts.

"Did you finished the assignment Mr. Thwart gave, she said that today's the only day she'll take" Panic arose in me listening to her.

"Oh no! I literally forgot. What will I do now! Will she be okay if I submit late?" GOD damn it! how can I be so careless, on the top in her class only!! she is not even one of those lenient teachers. 

"Oh miss! well, you can skip chemistry classes and complete it in the library" My lifesaver, I swear if she wasn't here I don't know what I would have done.


After she parked the car in the parking lot, we got out only to be crushed by Jordan. we greeted each other then made our way to the locker.

"Did you heard the news of the recent incident near the alleyway" Jordan's thick accent-coated voice spoke through the bustling corridors.


"Yup! neither did I"

"Well, a man was brutally murdered. It's their deed only" Well it got our attention, with a curious look on our face me and Talia asked in a quiet voice

"Whose deed"

"Jesus! Where the hell do you guys live to not even know about them, the DE'LUCA'S. The most powerful mafia family. They are messed up in their heads. Even psychopath word fails in front of them."
Hearing the name only sends a cold shiver down my spine. I can only pray to never cross paths with them.

'If only I knew wishes only come true in fairytales'

"Girls! Is there something more important than the class lectures" Mr. Hamel, our P.T teacher asked in his oh not so sweet voice.

"No mam"

"Get to your classes, NOW!"  We literally ran to our specific classes.


The neurohypophysis consists of three parts: the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus; the supraoptico-hypophyseal tract; and the posterior pituitary.

"I wonder when the hell will it be over" Talia exclaimed in an overly dramatic way

"Talia if you would just try to listen and understand, you would not find it boring" I seriously love how our bio teacher Mrs. Andrei explains every single topic. 

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