chapter 9

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I ran ran and ran panting heavily. He is a monster. But I stopped realising something, my knees gave up. I shouldn't have ran from him. I gulped trembling badly tears kept flowing uncontrollably. I looked around I was in the middle a dark forest. Now when I realise it's really creepy and giving me scary vibes.

I sobbed uncontrollably if he gets me I'm dead, if he doesn't gets me then also I'm dead. He always told me he can have anything coming his way and he won't mind as long as I've kept my cheetah legs tackled and not using it to get away from him.

I looked around hearing crunching of leaves giving me goosebumps at the thought of any wild animal well! Arosio is worse than any wild animal.

His shiny polished shoes came in my view forcing me to look up at his vicious menacing darkly amused eyes,
If not the power and authority wrapped around him like a second skin then you could already sense it from his dark persona that he is a person not to be messed with. Everything about him screams something is off, giving warning bells

"Why did you stopped mio amore I thought you had usains soul possessed in you"

I looked at him shaking before quickly speaking
"Arosio I'm sorry I mindless-ly seeing blood on you ran in flight instinct, I'm sorry! Please I-I didn't had any intention of running away from you I promise, please! It-I purely acted on my fear I-" I paused shakenly seeing his indifference calm demeanor, his soulless eyes fixed at me. The terror in my whole being spiked to another level before continuing "-I'm sorry, please! Forgive me" I sobbed trembling furiously.
He took powerful steps toward me snatching my breath away in fear. I just looked at him with hawk like eyes cautiously wiping my tears to remove my blurry vision. I didn't dared take step back. I won't I've learned well to not poke his demons.

As he came forward picking me up with no effort carrying me on his shoulders like rag doll making me rant out multiple apologies.

Getting back he took us to shower making me stand still as he took off his bloody shirt then stripping me bare turning the water to a warm temperature as he pulled me close cleaning us both as his hands made way to my private genitals making me stops his hands on instinct but quickly removed it seeing his dark sinister terrorizing eyes glinting sadistically
He was at a very thin level of thread from snapping. And I better not test him.

He washed us both before wiping me with a towel covering me in a bath robe, himself wrapping a towel beneath his torso showing his V-shaped line getting lost under the towel making me turn my head away quickly as he chuckled darkly amused at my shyness as if I haven't seen anything already.

Not to forget what happened after how he literally broke my insides with his monster in literally every nook corner of our bedroom, office, kitchen. Not stopping even after my pleading, begging him to alteast be gentle.

Making me regret my actions very badly. My eyes were puffed and my body totally drained out with the multiple mind-blowing orgasms. His monster dick felt like it would rip me apart. He went deeper and deeper. Tears were forming in my eyes the pain and pleasure was too much. I felt like Arosio's manhood would rip me apart. He was so deep. He paid no mind to my helpless cries as he sucked on my neck harder his teeth grazing my skin.
I was tired I felt like I would crumble any minute from now. My toes curled and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as Arosio fucked me through my orgasm. My whole body was aching and tired.
His huge muscular arms were the only thing holding me from crumbling down. He finally groaned out and shoot his seed deep inside me and it was a lot.
The man was an animal on Viagra. He just couldn't get enough and wouldn't get tired.
Sex with Arosio was painful and pleasurable. I couldn't take all of him and I don't think I ever will be able to. In the past I never really pondered on men. It was never my concern so being with Arosio and to try and match his stamina it was too much to take.
He always left me sore, he doesn't seem to understand that he was really big and I couldn't take all of that it is way too much. I was always weak at his mercy. Arosio knew how to get a response from my body. My
body responds every single time. His touch made my stomach churn in
excitement and my core wetter than ever every single time. I had finally felt his hot slimy seed endlessly shooting ropes into the depths of my core.

Mercilessly fucking me till I passed out reminding me of who the fuck my pussy belongs to.
Cradling my passed out figure close to his pecking my dried chapped lips tightening his arms around me.

I passed out terrified with the fact knowing very well Arosio doesn't really let things slide so easily.


Last week at my birthday Arosio surprised me by taking me to Korea to fulfill my fantasy of eating korean delicacies in those convenient stores. He made it all so easily possible making me wonder about the real depth of his wealthiness. He has multiple jets, it got me worrying that he thinks gifting a private jets cruises common with my name engraved in all. Mrs Hida De'Luca

On top of that an island, a private island. It's on an another level of insane richness. It really got me wondering how filthy rich he actually is!

If that was already not enough! He has multiple projects running under my name. It was the one most overwhelming since I didn't thought he would pay that much attention to my random ramblings. That made me realise how seriously with his whole attention he listens to my bluffs no matter when! how! even if he is tired from whole long day he would never dismiss me.

Like when a person wakes up with a birdnest like hair with eye mud from the side sticking to mouth, breath stinking with pillow imprints on your cheeks. Tell me guy's now how can a person find that attracting, anyone would get repulsed by kissing someone who hasn't brushed their teeths but no here we are talking about the great Mr Arosio De'Luca. His intense eyes would still look at me as if I'm the most precious beautiful being on the Earth.

Here the roles are kind of reversed I'm the one preferring junk over healthy green veggies unlike Arosio.
I'm the late sleeper unlike him who is all ready and set to leave with a very healthy green veggies set out for me.
Although I'm not a child and I can very well take care of myself but he makes it seem as if I don't know how to even take care of myself as if I'm very careless and clumsy. Okay maybe I'm but only a little bit.

To be precise he worships me like a goddess.
But one thing I love most about him is the fact he has equal importance for my education in his eyes. Whenever I talk about my profession he looks at me proudly with a gentle smile making me fall for him harder with his statement. 'I knew you would make it' , 'I believe in you Mio Regina'.
His always supporting persona and encouraging words led me to actually pursue my ambition.

Although I'm afraid to say unlike other mafia men who think now let's get a heir and are after having a child. It's a totally different case here! Although I'm glad for it but still he takes me as a child that is still yet not ready to be a mother. Is it like that!

At that time instead of being relaxed I got upset and asked him if he really thinks I'm a child and not a grown up mature lady or I will not be a good mother. He just lightly chuckled shaking his head at my idiocy of creating multiple théories by my own in my head, pulling me closer as he explained in a well calm and composed soothing voice about the fact that he wants me to first fulfil the unfinished dreams of mine about my profession. That he doesn't wants me to just get adjusted to the child just because it's on the way, he wants me to be fully ready not only mentally but physically. Which he doesn't thinks I am giving examples of how I skip meals if it was not him reminding me, how clumsily I one or the other way get myself hurt.
Also how he thinks there are many more things other than being a mother for me to experience and enjoy. It's a very huge responsibility which he doesn't wants to be on me making fun of the fact that I cry on my stressful exams what the hell will I do with the baby when he would cry. Instead of shushing him I would be like 'let's cry together tiny homo sapien'

All in all his overprotectiveness is not at all cute if I begin describing it might really come off very unhinged and scary.


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