chapter 6

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Looking here and there I admired the interior of his office and the view of the skyscraper the view is to literally die for with the night lights of the bustling city twinkling from 136th floor up high. And the calm soothing aura making me feel so content and peaceful.

I heard shuffling and closing of the door which made me turn around to find Arosio coming along with few other men carrying the same malicious and dark aura with powerful authority emerging from them. They had strikingly contrasting features as of Arosio giving me inkling of them being related to him.

"Would you like some hot chocolate Moglie" hearing it I nodded my head as he ordered his assistant to get them a cup of coffee with no cubes of sugar 'disgusting'

I heard a deep throaty chuckle to which I looked at amethyst emerald eyed man his ones little less intensive than Arosio greatly favouring him with the same 'I'll chop your neck'-vibes looking at me amused which made me realise as usual I was making cringy face at the no sugar coffee not realising I was actually the attention of the whole room.

With a bit of embarassment and awkwardness i looked at Arosio when he introduced us holding his chuckle back.
"Tesoro meet my brother's Maverick"
I softly smiled and greeted him and everyone, this justified his similar genes to that of Arosio "-Callum and Lev from mums side and and Alexis and Andrò from father's side "

Alexis and Andrò were twins with just a difference of Alexis having pierced brows while Andrò's neck and arms filled with tattoos making them look deadly.

I acknowledged them with a nod and small smile totally flustered being the attention of dangerous men's.
"She's is extremely gorgeous brother"
I heard Andrò speak up gazing at me with a look

"Do you have a death wish Andró"

I shifted on my feets not welcoming the changing atmosphere of this room.
I can feel the darkness with powerful authority oozing from the man next to me.

Please don't put me in this predicament again! God please let today end peacefully. I don't want to be at the recieving end because of his overly terretorial nature.

"Relax brother I won't play with mafia kings wife she is like a sister to me"

I heaved a sigh of relief not at all looking at Arosio last time something like this happened when Arosio's younger brother Nikolov who was unaware of our relationship flirted with me on our visit to his parents mansion he out of nowhere shot him directly on right side of his chest.
And I was the one at the recieving end at last.
The fact he shot his own brother made me doubt his sanity. He flipped over just because I was crying then what should have I done huh! I'm a human for god sake.

Suddenly I'm thrown into a world of mafia guns death and he expects me to be all okay with it. If I can't leave which I'm highly aware of I can't then I'll make sure to be a hell of a wife let's see how he bear's my tantrums and demands.

Arosio settled me on his office head chair behind the desk handing me my hot chocolate before himself leaning on the desk
As they all conversed within themselves
I sipped on my hot chocolate not chewing marshmallows as they melted in my mouth.
Looking at them I couldn’t point it out but something felt scary and dangerous about them while relaxed at the same time. I decided one psychopath was enough in my life so I would stay the hell away from them.

My 2nd semester exams are starting from next month giving me slight headache. Medico's life are hell and already I'm unprepared due to this much chaos in my life I swear if it affects my GPA I'll screw Arosio from up to down.

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