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Arosio went out of Italy for business meetings. And left these chipmunk named Lev, Andrò in for my service. Sarcasm to be duly noted.

I was playing old retro songs and vibing on my own stuffing my face with Oreo dipped in milk.

"This song is so old" I heard Lev's annoying voice as my Oreo was grabbed by Andro as he took it in his mouth chewing with mouth open. Gross

"So is your mom, but you still listen to her so kindly shut up Android"
He looked at me offended as Lev spitted his beer out laughing in between his breath.
"What a nickname sis, you invented a very unique name for this fucker" he grinned like an idiot looking at Andro
As he mumbled sipping on his can
"shut up douchebag"

Scientists say universe is made up of protons, electrons, neutrons. But they forgot to add morons.

I was extremely bored after all day doing nothing, since my classess are off for few days and me having got nothing to do.
I thought of going out but then again I feel extremely lazy too.

I can't help but remember my last encounter with Arosio me and my mouth always keeps getting me in trouble.


"Fix your attitude fiore"
His dark husky voice came out from the other side of the bed since I jumped to the other side to keep some barrier between us giving my heart whatever little bit of relief and comfort I could.

" I don't have an attitude problem you have a problem with my attitude and that's not my problem" 
And the reply which so suddenly left my mouth had me quickly palming my lips shut gaping in utter shock and sheer fright with the look in his eyes which got intensified.
'God why me'

It was my luck that his phone call ringing saved me for the time being.
I took a deep breath thanking the lord of heavens as he glared at me with a look which screamed 'we are not done'.

I won't even tell you guys from where it even started.

Flashback over

I quickly patted my face to calm myself saying we'll see when he gets back hopefully he'll forget it

"Can I help you"
I looked at the McDonald's employee lustfully eyeing those two dickheads sitting at the table gossiping about I don't know what after kicking me off to get the order.
I couldn't help but reply back annoyed

"No I just stood in line for 30 minutes so I could say hi"

The girl looked back at me a bit embarrassed giving me my order as I marched back to my seat sitting with a thump as those two munched happily on their meal like a starved gorilla chewing so loud. For mens with such physiques and aura they sure had no qualities of mafia psychos.

As I had my Mc furry Oreo peacefully surely I didn't expected to enjoy the day as I did moreover with them. I looked back at the hand that scooped my fries I hit with the back of my steel  spoon.
''What the''Lev groaned
"Don't test me. No jokes when it comes to my share of food." Covering myself properly due to the weather I finished everything, as we drove back to the mansion.

It's been literally 3 days only and Arosio doesn't misses a day face timing me dozen times. And even if by any chance I miss his call at first ring or don't pick it. So help me, would not wish to rile him ever again.

Giving my byes and goodnight to them I went inside 'My home' scurrying to my room I take my hoodies off as the cozy warm atmosphere greeted my back.
I turned the light on with hoodie's stuck on my head taking it off to get a mini heart stroke seeing Arosio sitting right on the couch with a glass of bourbon in his hand intensely gazing at my half naked form with my black bra on with my loose pants.

Although I knew better than to try covering myself I knew it wouldn't end well so I greeted him with a cheshire grin before getting a warm full sleeves t-shirt of his on me walking to him as he pulled me close by my waist kissing me on my lips feverishly before planting a slow peck on my forehead warmly holding me close burying his face in my neck.

We sat there until I didn't know how long I on his lap and him holding me impossibly close telling me how he missed me. How restless he had been, sharing me about his days and everything.
Enlightening me about what he got for me as I looked at him excitedly. Me complaining to him about Lev destroying my Hayabusa in bike racing before quickly adding I wasn't part of any racing before he decides to go all bersek.

At last my day ended with him gently laying me on bed after warm bath before punishing for which I was daydreaming he would forget. But I forgot that at last he is 'the Arosio' in the end how could he even forget anything.

As I usually say He is one of those shameless cannibal cavemen that would eat me with little to no hesitation and won't even burp.


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Update After a very long time

I don't know why but I have gotten very irritated with cliche Wattpad Stories with weak female leads with either low self-esteem or too kind and fragile or gentle personality.

Like giving up and forgiving every fucking abuse. The male lead gets away with every goddamn abuse, rape and vulgar behaviour with either the excuse of his past or something or the other.
Like every story I jump, to showcasing females as if they need an external support, protection or what not.

'What's your opinion on all of these guys?'

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