chapter 8

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I just looked at him as he was so engrossed in braiding my hairs
"Arosio from where did you even learned how to braid hairs"

He looked at me unusually for a bit longer with a frustrated look
"I fucking watched multiple tutorial video's, this shit seemed so fucking easy but I don't know why it's taking me so fucking long, it just got tangled"

"So you, you! the great mafia king Arosio De'Luca! learned how to braid hairs, Is it because yesterday I told you how I missed my mum braiding my hairs"

His iris shifted from my hair's to me through the mirror

"I haven't ever done anyone's hair love, hell I've never even fucking used my hands for anything except spilling blood out"

I shuddered at his so noncholant way of talk about killing as if we're talking about weather.

I quickly changed the topic by twirling around to look at my braids in the mirror as he stood up looking at me with adoration and a bit of humor dancing in his eyes.
His intense iris too powerful and intense for me to hold his gaze.
Gosh! It's just the way he looks at me with those orbs glinting with so many unreadable emotions makes me just melt into a puddle.

As he fixed the falling strands behind my ear gazing at me as if I'm the center of his world with infinite possessiveness dripping through his eyes basking in the fact that I'm Only his.

I looked from the reflection of mirror not knowing how I got him this obsessed over me. Like I know I'm an amazing person but from my view only. His affection and love scares me a lot sometimes. Over the time I thought it would dim down a little since we are married over a period of time but all it has done is multiplied his lethal obsession to something much more dangerous.

I ushered him to bent down at my level grabbing his collar I held his face with utmost care caressing his strands away kissing his forehead gently pouring all my love in it mumbling a small
" thank-you "

Love is the only language through which I can make him understand things. His world and way of thinking is totally a different one than a normal person.

I won't be like other girls who do things without thinking of the consequences I know how things can change drastically with my single action.

His mind works in a totally different way. It won't take a minute for him to switch from this gentle Arosio to that sadistic psycho one.

I won't attempt any escape not that I am a scaredy cat, ok wait! I am but because I'm not willing to loose this side of Arosio also I know there's no way out.

I've seen him and his brothers all ruling the world with a firm ruthless grasp. The De'Luca mafia family, The Hightable everything runs under their command, I've seen the fear in everyone's eyes.
I don't know how come I didn't noticed it before how everyone parted their ways when he was with me, how everyone went stiff in his presence, maybe I was too indulged in my own pretty little world to notice anything else. In his eyes there's no value for anyone's life.

Possibly the only way I can talk him out of things is by gently with love. He doesn't gives a damn about anything as long as I'm with him.

Once I opened up to him about my desire of riding a Kawasaki Ninja or Harley Davidson on a very long ride with no destination just a long highway. The next day I found my favourite sports motorbike parked in our garage. I was awestruck with the beauty of it as he made me wear helmet with gloves for extra protection making me laugh out loud at his overprotectiveness. As I chanted thank you multiple times here and there with a wide grin etched on my face.

And then we were on our way to our unknown destination with him behind me caging my waist with his bulky arms as I basked in this feeling inhaling a big sum of fresh breath.
I increased the speed to 120km/hr as we got to an empty highway.

With Arosio straddling me from behind his head on my shoulders due to his enormous frame it looked as if he could take over the bike and overpower me with little to no effort.

I from within my helmet shouted out to him to atleast take it off. I know he heard it but didn't do anything as he stared at me from the side mirror.
Making me make a puppy face as he lifted his hands taking it off making my hair flow freely as I laughed out loud at this feeling. God! this feeling is to die for.

I can feel Arosio's intense gaze on me from the reflection of mirror

"Do you like it Mio Amore!"

I gave a quick glance at him and gleefully spoke out loud with a big smile

"Yup! I love it, thank you habibi"
He just held me tenderly kissing my neck here and there as I stopped near an icecream shop.
He just shook his head getting off helping me fix my strangled hairs to look a bit proper.
As we made our way in with his hands on my back guiding me in I chose a red velvet Belgian icecream in a cup.

On our way back I told him all about my childhood stories ranting on and on also telling him about how this was my childhood wish to just go on a random destination carelessly just us and nature.

Being an Indian child there was a lot more reasons I felt restricted not because my parents were too strict and all but because of concern for safety of girls. There's this wish in every girl to just go somewhere far away with nothing to worry about fly freely like a carefree bird.

And this feeling is a lot more contentful and peaceful than anyone could ever imagine.

When we got back I just hugged him showing my gratitude as he simply pulled me closer capturing my lips in a soft sensual kiss leaving me gasping for air.


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