chapter 2

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That was the first time I met him and it was the starting of my doom. Just thinking about it brings backs the dark haunted memories of him. I never thought such people even existed, but my whole view took a 180° turn after meeting him. I wish I could go in past and change all ever meeting him.

Wiping the tears out of my eye I make my way to my washroom. Taking a cold shower in such freezing weather people would definitely take me as some crazy mental patient, maybe who knows If I had become one. The remaining bit of sanity which is left in me is depleting day by day just because of that fucking psycho.

 He is inhumane, brutal that fucker just slaughtered a guy just because he was asking my number. I knew it the moment he asked my number, he was a walking dead man.

And my theory was proved the next day itself when after five fucking years he himself entered my apartment, neither knocked nor rung the doorbell just entered with the keycard which I didn't even dare to ask from where did he got from.

Asking how he knew my address was even out of my mind cause he knows every-fucking-thing. 


His whole posture excluded a powerful aura and the blood-thirsty look on his face weren't gone unnoticed by me.

I look like a tiny ant in front of this giant man. His suit jacket was off, looking so dangerously handsome with his muscles peeking from underneath his rolled-up sleeves with the first 3 buttons of his expensive grey shirt undone.

Perfectly tousled hair, sharp jawline, pink plumb lips, his eyes shaded by long thick eyelashes, his perfectly built physic all in all he was a masterpiece, a greek god. He was so beautiful, even the words failed to describe him.

Even more beautiful than the last time I saw him as if god carved everything in him which he wanted in a man.

Just by one glance at his devilishly handsome face, I knew what he came here for. The rage behind his calm yet dangerous eyes was not hidden by me, which gave me the sheer terror of what was about to come.

"Ar-arosio" His dark amethyst green eyes in which I fell in love with were solely fixed on me with no trace of emotion on his face drilling fear in me and some indescribable feeling in my stomach.

He stood with his dark green irises on me with his hands tucked in his pants pocket with a calm composure emitting a dark dominating aura.

In my tranquil apartment, only my accelerating heartbeat was heard. When the silence was broken by his dark deep husky voice filling me with dread

"Come here"

"Arosio I swear I didn't even know that guy, I didn't do anything wrong that gu-.."

"I know, that's the only reason you are standing all intact in one piece."

Just hearing what he said made me want to run far away from him and his intimidating aura and intense dark eyes which were on me weren't helping.

"Now, come here"

walking toward him with my dreading footsteps, I stood a few feet away from him. Running out of patience he pulled me closer leaving no space and inhaled my scent like a werewolf does, sending tingles down my body. 

"But you need to know what happens when someone messes with what's mine" 

kneeling down he takes out my panda fuzzy slippers from my feet and slipped sneakers into it. Taking my hand he made his way out to his Bugatti la Voiture Noire.

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