chapter 3

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Fumbling with my car keys, I strolled towards the grocery store eying the list casually.




walking through the aisle I collected my usual almond milk and searched for the Korean ramen 🍜 noodle, grabbing it I turn to my cart to make my way to get the billing done.

I love walking around eyeing new snacks and different food items it's something so normal but I usually find myself getting very excited. Typical foodie

On the way to my apartment I greeted uncle jasper a very amazing kind-hearted person who owns a flower shop just next to my apartment.

He is one of those persons who helped me in getting settled here. His wife and children died 5 yrs ago in a very brutal car accident. May their soul rest in peace 

 I couldn't get those beautiful Amethyst orbs out of my mind. I couldn't figure out how he got shot? Is he into dark business?

His whole aura exuded a totally different one which I've never experienced before, those piercing dark orbs with that greek godly figure?

Opening my apartment door I entered and took a long exhausting sigh after lying on my couch. Atlast! I'm done with my chores

I don't have any desire to do anything now I'll order some Chinese takeouts and watch the remaining episodes of the vampire diaries.

Before that lets settle the assignments which I had left in the middle it would barely take 30 mins.

Putting my airpods on I played some BTS and blackpink playlist and resumed my assignment.
Hearing my doorbell ringing I collected my Chinese takeouts and dimmed the lights and settled down on the couch and continued from where I left the last time. Mikaelson's and Salvatore's are truly goddamn hot.

Tangled on my bedsheet lying up side down on my bed I searched for my phone which is ringing for the 3rd time.

"Hello" I said grumpily

"Fucking get up you bitch I'm calling you for the sixth time you don't have the decency to pick at least the second or third time don't tell me you forgot that we had planned an outing today"

her Italian accent laced with fury rang through my fragile ears.
oh goodness.

Her screaming literally broke my slumber. With one eye half opened I quietly looked at the time. Oh! 14:39 ah! Cool I forgot

"Talia, I-uh-how are you?!"

"We are waiting better be here in the next 30 mins" I pouted today's my day off can't i get some well deserved peaceful sleep

"Whaaat" I whined
"Hida babe plzz" another voice rang through
"Alright Jordan, I'll be there in a few"
"Okay, hurry up"


Wearing a light shirt, loose boyfriend jeans with black sneakers. Letting my hair flow freely with light makeup.

I carried my wallet and phone and made my way out making sure everything is secured and turned off.

Today weather seems to be a bit cloudy I literally forgot to call my mom. God! Bless me
Calling her I drove casually
Ring.. ring ..

"Miss hida rayeen where in the hell were you to be too busy to at least give a call to your old ageing mother dying here out of tension, Huh! Your father keeps on askin' questions, hella worried about you! Now, see no words are coming out of her mouth, I'm wasting my energy on these stupid children of mine, why do I even bother! I swear if you were infront of me i would have whooped this careless ass of yours"

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