chapter 7

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I held my breath turning my attention to Arosio hearing his dark sinister tone lacing with maliciousness  promising a faith of destruction.
His voice seemed off, I again felt that uneasy feeling in my stomach he was too far gone in his psycho mode.

That guy replied back as his eyes lit up looking back at me
"Yes sir if possible I would like to court her"
I choked on my own saliva hearing that. 'He just signed his own death certificate '

Arosio's eyes were neither on me nor the guy while rest seemed to be highly amused of the situation.
I looked at what got his orbs which were glinting darkly with a wicked menacing cold vehemence to find it fixed on the pocket knife in his hand as he twirled it with a deadly calm storm brewing in his eyes making a chilling shiver run down my spine about what is to come.

I know his wicked creative brains is running miles creating millions of ways to inflict pain on this man.
My anxiety sky-rocketed looking at haze deranged look in his eyes gulping a big lump down I collected my things.

Sensing the temperature dropping low. Stifling my concern for this boy as I can feel Arosio's barbaric ferocious stare solely fixed on me I stood up with my phone and one hand cupping my mug not wanting to be a part of what's about to happen. I had no intention of getting my ass in danger zone and witness the bloodshed.

If it was old hida she would have stopped Arosio crying begging to leave the innocent guy but this new me knows how fucked-up demented crazy Arosio really is anything literally anything can tick him off, and then at the end I would be the only one at recieving end.

His fucked-up brain can't even understand something called humanity and empathy. Unlike him I do have but I can't do a single heck about it because his delusional ass can't even tolerate any concern or natural emotional reaction towards manslaughter regarding another man

A natural human response to any butchery, brutal massacre is traumatizingly either going into a mental shock, exhaustion, confusion, sadness, anxiety, agitation, numbness, dissociation, confusion. The amygdala can become hyperactive, making the person intensely aware of everything around them.

He has got problem with me crying for another man. He can't even understand a simple meaning of space. His whole body soaked with the blood of the victim nauseates me but he can tolerate my vomit not resistance or distance.

I can already feel tears of frustration making their way out. And then he gets mad when I isolate myself what should I do he is traumatising me his sight, voice smell triggers me reminding me of the those traumatic moments

I quickly made my way out totally ignoring the young guy as he still eyed me is he a fool or what can't he sense it or find the large diamond emerald stone on my ring finger.

"Where are you going wife"

I stopped turning around noticing the colour draining from both of the men's face at the word 'wife'

The curly haired boy seemed as if he was holding back from pissing his pants his gaze quickly went to the ring on my finger.

Before dropping down as he apologized shivering uncontrollably already dreading his forthcoming death at the hand of the obsessive maniac in the name of Arosio De'Luca.

"B-boss I-I am so-sorry I di-didn't kne-"

"Shh boy ain't I talking to my wife"

he pointed out to the guy with his knife, shifting his dark ominous terrorizing gaze back to me striking terror into my soul.

I can feel the intense unhinged gaze of his on me making me just shift uncontrollably.

His eyes were void of any emotion frightening me to the core
Gulping my saliva down I meekly spoke

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