His Uccello Arrabbiato

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"Well I, from the moment I saw you, I wanted to sa-y"
I felt his undivided attention on me making me stumble hard on my words
"Uh- we-ll" His dark curious orbs travelled my on my body to my face making me shiver at the sensation feeling unknown tingles all the way.

He looked really invested to what I'm about to say making me gulp my nervousness down fiddling with my jumpers I gained some courage to atleast let out what I had been holding in me all the time.
It's better to let out.
It makes you feel light.
'Loves make you do the most courageous and stupidest things.'

"Well a-sk you " His dark intense eye hiding some unknown crazed madness behind shifted all over my face as I fumbled with my words stuttering badly feeling the heat of his gaze.

"yo-u" I looked once again in his eyes biting my chapped lips as his eerie silence spread through the hall. No matter how much nervous I was becoming but I had to say. His dark unwavering stare hinted at me to continue, I spoke looking at my shoes again badly stuttering. Goodness that's what happens when you are subjected to his dark powerful intense gaze.

"wh-at!. what.."

even his brothers stopped what they were doing to hear what I had to say, all looking truly interested in whatever I'm about to say making me nervous but I had to say, well ask

"What shampoo do you use?' I don't know if I heard some pops or gasps behind but all my attention was on him curious to know his answer. His hair, I want the same type of hair so healthy, so shiny.

He looked at me bewildered and bit of disbelief lurking behind his dark mysterious orbs as if he expected something very deep message or truly important thing.
Well but definitely this is very important, ask a girl for value and worth of healthy hairs. Love it is!

"well from the moment I met you I wished to ask you how come your hair looks so silky and shiny!

Humor danced behind those those orbs as he gazed at me amused-ly not believing I was fumbling hesitating this much only to ask such a stupid and petty thing.

He looked at me not letting me know what he was thinking! Was he thinking I'm so stupid or that I took so much of his time just to ask this!
Before I could again open my mouth after my much overthinking-self could make something up in my mind again. He lets out in his powerful dark husky velvety voice filled with utmost authority and power dripping with humor.


Huh! did he got angry or what! that I asked something so personal. Well! Maybe he might be not okay to sharing beauty secrets. I get it!

Before I could respond anything I felt the hustle bustle around me I looked at the mens vacating the room leaving me alone in his dark scarily dangerous presence, even I would have also left, only if not for shampoo.

I looked back at him to find his suit jacket off from him as he folded his cuffs to his elbow unbottoning his first two buttons making me gulp a big lump down. He looked so messily handsome. Taking my breath away with the way he did everything with so much precision and grace even a small thing, such as getting up from the chair, he makes it look as if something of very unique graceful movie shoot.
To be honest whatever he did, he did it with so much grace making me actually hold my breath every now and then.

I came out of my daze to find him leaning on the table looking at me calmly with his arms folded on his chest and legs crossed over. Even leaning in a way that makes him look no less than a Greek potrait.

"Come here"
his dark husky commanding Italian coated voice reached my ears as I looked at him with wary.

"Well! You can tell me shampoos name from there only. I won't tell anyone! your beauty secret it is, I understand you won't be okay in sharing but you understand right it's about hairs, see I have so much hairfall and unhealthy scalp accumulation so, you would be only doing me a favour, a huge help-.!"

He looked at me incredulously as I tried to make him understand him my point of view

"Uccello arrabbiato of mine" he whispered darkly with a primal look in his eyes as I blushed at his warm use of endearment with tints of territorialness. Even though I didn't understand what he said in Italian but his fierce Intense gaze had me quenching.

"Would you come here now"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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