chapter 5

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Snapping out of my past I look around to find Elisio, a newly joined intern calling out my name.
I made my way past the lined-up patients in the waiting section.
"Dr. De' Luca! you are urgently needed in room no. 6. It's an emergency case"

Time flew by now I was resting my head on my office desk tiredly, it was hectic today. Until I heard my door opening which made my head snap towards the door since no one ever entered without knocking. Except for my husband.

He entered inside without any care like a king as if owns this hospital walking beside me keeping the bag that he brought on the desk kissing my forehead while I just looked dumbfounded at him. Why is he here I'm not ready to face him just yet.

He kissed me feverishly with so much possessiveness knocking my breath. Making me gasp for air. I pushed his chest to be able to breathe but he wasn't letting me.

At last, he left making me breathless. Looking at my lips and then looking into my eyes. And again claiming my lips with dominance and love. This one was soft as if he was making up for all the times when he was away.

Finally leaving me to catch my breath while I can feel his intense dark eyes on me. How come he is standing so perfectly fine whereas I on the other hand look like I ran a marathon?

"I missed you, my love, I gave you enough fucking space now it's time for us to return to our home don't you think so wife."

His words made me choke on my saliva while I looked at him not knowing what to say it doesn't feel like it was much of a choice. I averted my gaze to look at the Italian cuisine he bought.

I remember the first time when I went with Arosio to Italy it instantly became my favorite how I ate it every time we visited Italy again and again. I never got bored of it.

Asking for the recipe from the chef and forwarding it to Arosio for him to learn how to cook it. And he did learned surprising me since I didn't thought he would really do it.

This man made it clear to me that he would do anything for me also anything to me if I ever tried leaving him.

Although I am very grateful to him for how he gave me space for 5 yrs. I didn't expected that he would actually consider knowing how selfish he actually gets when it comes to me, he can't go a day without any sort of contact with me. Demanding my attention at most of the time.

But he did, certainly warning me of the consequences if I ever got closer to any men or if not took care of myself properly.

Even when he was away he made sure I was being well taken care of. He got me a condo on my pleading to not get any mansion.

I told him I just want to live like a normal common citizen enjoying daily basics. It was astonishing to me how he agreed to every demand of mine.

And I knew very well to not fuck up knowing very well how things could take a turn so quickly.

I remembered his dark intense eyes laced with a warning while an unknown emotion swirling behind those orbs when he turned at last before leaving after getting me settled.

I looked at him again feeling his arms lifting me as he got settled on the sofa with me on his lap while I squirmed a bit
"Arosio I can sit by myself"

I tried getting up making his arms tighten around me.


I stopped my struggling hearing the dark undertone in his voice.

As he settled the dishes so smoothly. Making my plate with perfection. He brought the fork up to my lips while I looked at him not having the guts to again voice out saying I can feed myself. Knowing how he takes any act of resistance as rejection.

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