chapter 4

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We were laying on the grass gazing at the stars it's been 1 month since he took me out initially I decided to not go but changed my mind when I saw him at my doorstep unannounced, I didn't have it in me to say no with the look he was giving.

His effect on me and the way my body reacts to it is too irritating.

It feels as if I don't have any mind when it comes to him I become so blank. I don't know how he knows so much about me.

His intense eyes and those protective arms feel so peaceful, it feels like home. The warmth he provides makes me feel safe.

But the darkness still twinkles behind those beautiful orbs. Everything about him is so goddamn perfect that it feels too good to be true.

I feel cherished by the way he looks out for me. It gives me the same vibe as I get with my father, I feel extremely safe and cherished in his presence, I can do anything, enjoy carefreely without any worry of the world.

I don't know but it feels as if I am falling for him harder than ever. I fear that it's deep and if he breaks it then there's no coming back from this scientifically-shaped heart of mine.

Yesterday he picked me up from my college and we spent the whole day with him teaching me all about cardiovascular and pulmonary functions for the upcoming exams.

I'm literally amazed at the knowledge and the skills he has in every aspect. It sometimes literally makes me feel so stupid. Like he is such a brilliant chef I swear if he tries for that job he'll be number one in that field too.

Looking for my scrunchie I tie my hair ups and make my brewed coffee. Looking through my phone I clicked on the call button waiting for the other line to pick up.


his deep rich velvety voice rang through the device.

"Hey! Are you busy?"


"Good I am getting bored. Arosio are you free tonight"

"Yes baby I'll always be free for you, you don't need to ask"

and here goes my heart in la la Land.
I replied with my racing heart.

"Will you go on a date with me tonight"

His line went silent I don't know what he was thinking I awaited his answer impatiently

"Baby! it usually goes the other way around"

his deep amused voice resonated through my phone with unknown emotion which I can as usual never figure out.

"Yes" huh!

"I'll be there waiting for you" I replied cheerfully to which his melodious chuckle rang through my ears.

"Take care my love and better not miss your breakfast"

I pouted how come he knows me so well I was surely going to skip it but the dark warning laced in his voice had me rethinking.

"I wasn't going to Arosio"

"As you say" although anyone could hear the calm dark voice unaffected by my answer already knowing my bluffing.

I could hear some other voices on the line making me assume he is currently in a meeting.
I hung up on him strolling around for a bit I didn't bother with bye or any other formalities clearly remembering how it ticks Arosio off.

His clear words
"fucking cut the call or do the fuck you want but you better not repeat this fucking word bye"
He says it does something weird to him.

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