Unexpected News

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I hesitantly opened the door, slowly closing it behind me without a sound. I tiptoed upstairs to my room, not sure if my mom was even home and not wanting to find out. Reeses ran up to me, tail wagging and tongue hanging out, as I reached the top of the stairs. I tried to shush her, but she barked anyway, and the sound seemed louder in the silent house. I groaned inwardly as the sound of a door opening came from down the hall. Quickly picking her up, I carried Reeses into my room and closed the door behind me. I kicked off my shoes and fell onto my bed with a sigh.

Then I noticed a stack of papers sitting on my desk. Propping myself up with my elbows, I gave the stack a better look. They were letters. I stood, making my way over to it, and picked up one of the envelopes to look at the return address.

I froze, my eyes going wide as I stared at the name: Monty Summers.

A knock at my door made me jump. I made my way over, the letter still clutched in my hand. On the other side my mother stood, her eyes red as if she'd been crying. 'Demie-"

"Where'd these come from?" I cut her off, holding up the envelope.

"They were in my box at the post office. I went there today and found them all stuffed in there."

"They've been in there this whole time?" I looked back at the rest of the letters on my desk.

"Yes," my mom's voice held a twinge of sadness in it. I turned, moving to take a seat on the edge of my bed. Using my nail to break the seal and ripping it open, I took out the crisply folded letter. Unfolding it, I noticed that the date was about a year after he had left.


I know that it has been a year since I left, and that you haven't heard front me ever since, and I'm sorry. I let my anger take over that night and not a day has gone by that I wish I had been able to control myself. I understand if you are afraid of me and never want to see me again.

The letter went on to tell me how much he missed me and the fact he was now living on the west coast in California. He asked about me, my friends, my school, and if I was happy there. He told me about California and how, if I wanted to, he'd love for me to come visit him, maybe even live with him.

I read the letter, over more, smiling like crazy. All this time I had thought that he didn't care. The fact that he had wrote me this letter and so many more, proved that wrong. I wanted nothing more than to go see him, and I wouldn't mind living with him either.

"Dad wants me to go visit him!" I looked up at my mom with the grin still on my face. my mom gave me a sad, tired look. I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking she about to tell me that I couldn't, and opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off.

"Demie, I got a call from California this morning. It was from a hospital in San Francisco..." She trailed off and I watched her carefully, a feeling of dread settling in my stomach.

"Is it Dad? What happened? Is he okay?" I stood, approaching her.

Her eyes met mine, full of sorrow, as she visibly struggled to keep her composure. "Sweetie, your father was hospitalized last night. The doctor says he only has a few more months to live."

Her words hit me with the force of a train. "What?" My voice was nothing more than a whisper.

"He had been diagnosed with cancer, but he's been refusing treatment. the doctor wants me to go up there and see if I can talk some sense into him. With treatment, he could live at least until next summer. Maybe he could beat it."

"I'm going with you." I said automatically.

"I know." She nodded. "I booked us a flight for later tonight."

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