Impromptu Boyfriend

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MJAM: Sorry guys, I know its been three weeks. This month is turning out to be really stressful for me. I have all this stuff that I need to finish that I'm trying to go in order with whats most important to whats least important. School (aka the-prison-we-all-hate)starts next Monday for me. I hope I'll be writing more then. Here's Chapter 8.


"I've been waiting to see you again all weekend." Eric leaned against the locker beside mine Monday morning before the bell.

"Dude, come on. We did this last week. Do we have to do this again this week?" I didn't flinch, or move, or cower away, jus continued to grab what I needed and put back what I didn't.

"Baby, you don't mean that. Why play hard to get when you know that I'm gonna get you anyway?" He bent down to my ear, lowering his voice. "I'm gonna get what I was promised."

"Hey!" A voice made him move just a little bit away from me. "I thought I told you to stay away from her!" I didn't have to look at Ian to know how angry he was, it was easy to hear.

I refused to look up at either one of them, shoving one last book into my bag. Eric was annoying and pushy and just didn't seem to be able to understand what "no" meant. Ian lied to me about the biggest and most important thing that I should know about, that I was a fairy princess. A fairy and a princess. Two ridiculous words that join together to form one ridiculous word.

"No, actually, you told me not to touch her." I could hear the smirk in Eric's words. "Besides, we were only talking. Right, Demie?" He nudged me and I responded with an eye roll.

"I'm telling you now, stay away from her or you'll have to deal with me." I peeked at their expressions out of the corner of my eye. Ian was glaring at Eric who was both smirking and scowling.

"And wouldn't that be fun?" Eric said drily before turning his attention back to me. "See you later, babe." His hot breath in my ear made me cringe before he walked away, leaving just Ian and I.

"Are you okay?" Ian asked me, placing one hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off. I slammed me locker shut and snapped the lock closed.

"I can take care of myself Ian." I glared at him before pushing past and down the hall.


I avoided Ian in the halls as best I could and got to second period AP US History just before the bell rang so he couldn't approach me again before class started. Even though I felt his eyes on me all during class, I refused to look his way. I didn't want to talk to him, I only wanted to forget about him, but I still kept thinking about him.

"Hey, Dragons! What's up? It's Shy-Shy with your morning announcements!" I smiled as my new friend came over the intercom. "Shout out to the ladies basketball team, they have a game this Thursday at six..."

I fought to pay attention on what the teacher was saying but my mind kept going back to what Deix had explained to me the night before.

"There are many kingdoms all over Nour, the faerie world, some of which I know nothing about. Our kingdoms, Ahln and Oelh, have been rivals long before even our parents were born. No one even remembers why or how the rivalry started." Deix continued to hold my hand, tracing circles on the back. I loosely held his hand, resisting the urge to pull away. "Our betrothal is the first attempt at a treaty between our kingdoms since the rivalry started."

"Why didn't someone tell me this?" I stood, an excuse to slip away from Deix. "Why all the secrecy?"

"I'm not sure, King Dion just decreed that our world be kept from your knowledge."

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