Being Together

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No one was home when I went by her house on my way to school- not even Sandra or her mother. Then she didn’t even show up to any of her classes. After calling her and texting her several times and checking her house once more, I finally decided to track her location.

I found myself in a long hallway, doors lining each side. The one I stood in front of was labeled 169 and I realized that I was inside a hotel. I hesitantly knocked on the door, wondering if I was even in front of the right room.

She opened the door, wearing pajamas, her phone in hand. “Ian? What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” I repeated incredulously. “I’m here looking for you. What are you doing here?”

She blinked. “I-I’m visiting my dad. He’s in the hospital... he has cancer.”

My eyes widened. “I’m so sorry. When did you find out?”

“Yesterday when I came home...” She hesitated before stepping aside and beckoning me in. I came in and sat on the hotel bed, listening intently as she told me what had been going on for the past two days. I was glad that she and her father were able to reunite but I couldn’t help but think of what little time left she had with him.

“That’s a lot to have happen in such little time.” I started, placing my hand over hers in concern. “Are you okay?”

She shrugged. “Yeah, I just... I wish I knew about the letters. I would’ve come to live with him. He could’ve been in my life.”

“It would’ve been nice living here. It would be hard for me to get used to the heat but...”

“You would’ve come with me?” Demie glanced up at me.

“Of course, you mean everything to me you know. I would follow you anywhere.” I said softly. She just stared up at me, as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. A smile slowly made it’s way across her lips.

“You mean everything to me, too.” She said as her eyes flickered away from mine in embarrassment.

I couldn’t help but kiss her cheek and then her lips. “You’re so cute, Demie.”

She ducked her head, smiling like crazy under my gaze. “Will you come with me to go see my dad tomorrow? I want him to meet you.” She asked shyly. “I told him about you and me.”

“You mean about us as in us?” I asked.

“Yea, he said that he’d need to meet you before he gave his approval.”

I stared at her, “So, you want to introduce me to him as your boyfriend?”

“Yea, I mean, unless you don’t want-”

“No!” I said quickly. “No. I want to. If I could, I would let everyone know. I would love to meet your dad.”

“Cool.” She smiled, clasping her fingers together in her lap

“Yea,” I agreed before looking around the room. “Do you have this room to yourself?”

“Yes, my mom’s across the hall.” She answered.

“Deix will be in meetings all week with your father. He will probably be too busy to check on you.” I glanced over at her. She stared at the mirror across from us, but wasn’t really focusing on it.

“That’s fine.”

“I’ll stay here until it’s time for you to go back home...” I trailed off. “I can... We could... If you want...?” I stumbled, not sure how to ask.

“Will you stay with me tonight?” She asked softly, saying it for me.

I pulled her into my arms, resting my chin on top of her head. She wrapped her arms around my waist, smiling slightly. No words needed to be said. It was enough that we were together.


She led me up to her father’s room, our arms brushing against each other every so often. Stopping in front of the half-closed door, she poked her head in cautiously. “Dad? I’ve brought someone for you to meet.”

She opened the door wider, revealing the small hospital room. The man who I assumed was her father laid in the hospital bed, IV’s stuck in his arm. A hispanic man stood next to him, his hands clenched around the rail of the hospital bed and his eyes hiding the pain he was feeling as he looked up to greet us with a forced smile.

“It’s great to see you again, Demie.” The hispanic man said to her.

“Hello again, Mason. Hi, Dad.” She went to stand next to her father’s bedside. I stood next to her nervously, having not said anything as of yet.

“Hey, sweetie.” Her father’s smile was tired as he turned to her before his eyes flickered over to me.

“Um, Dad, Mason, this is Ian.” She introduced me. Almost immediately they seemed to be scrutinizing me, as if they trying to decide if they should like me or not.

I cleared my throat anyways, “It’s nice to meet you, sir.”

“You, too. Demie told us a lot about you yesterday. When did you get here?” her father said.

“Just last night. I’m planning on staying for as long as she stays.” I glanced at her.

“Oh, where are you staying?”

“Uh...” I didn’t know how I should answer that. Something told me that letting him know that I was sleeping with his daughter wouldn’t go over so well.

“He’s in the same hotel as Mom and I.” Demie found the words for me. I glanced over at her, smiling a little at the look she was giving her father. he raised an eyebrow at her in response before returning his attention back to me.

‘What are your intentions with my daughter?” He narrowed his eyes.

“Dad,” Demie groaned, covering her face with her hands.

I looked at him and then I looked at her, my smile widening. Taking one of her hands in mine, I looked her in the eye. “I love her and I want everyone to know. I’ll always love her. I’ll always protect her and I’ll always be there for her- as long as she wants me.”

She searched my eyes, a small smile forming on her own lips as she squeezed my hand. “I’ll always want you.” She whispered, almost as if she’d forgotten her father was in the room.

A cough snapped us out of our little moment and we both turned to see her father and his friend staring at us with little smiles. “I think I like you, I’m not too sure yet.” Her father said to me.

“I understand that.” I said. He nodded and a grin grew on my face to know that the father of the girl I loved approved of me- that someone approved of us. We didn’t have to sneak around or pretend.

For once, no one was keeping us from being together.

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