Only A Dream

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MJAM: This chapter is half the length of my others, but oh well. My mom blocked Facebook (fuck whoever invented Parental Controls) so I've been pretty bored these past few days. She also blocked Grooveshark and Playlist dot com. How the hell am I supposed to write without music??? It's okay though, I've started using Pandora which isn't as bad as I thought. The only annoying thing about it is how I can't choose my songs. Anyways, happy reading!


I paced my bedroom floor, freaking out and trying to picture myself explaining things to Demie. I couldn't. I couldn't do it, but I had to when she wakes up soon.

It hadn't taken me long to find her. I only had to track her, a simple task that I had mastered when I was five, and doing so led me straight to the Court of Ahln. I knew that Prince Deix would have her. His servant was waiting for me in the fencing yard and led me to the Prince's chambers.

"Get your hands off her!" I had barked at him. He was sitting on his couch with her head in his lap, running his fingers through her hair. Demie's expression was peaceful as she slept.

"Calm down, she's fine." He rolled his eyes as I picked her up, bridal style. She didn't stir.

"What did you do to her?" I glared at him.

"Nothing , I only told her the truth and unlocked her memories." A satisfied look settled on the Prince's features making me grind my teeth.

"What did you tell her?"

"That I'm her fiance. I actually gave her a few questions to ask you when she wakes up. You're welcome."

I had only been able to stand there in disbelief and shock. Because of him, if I couldn't convince Demie that what she'd just experienced was a dream, King Dion was going to have my head served on a silver platter. I groaned , no doubt about it, I'm dead.

I glanced at Demie sleeping peacefully on my bed and realized that I had something else to explain. Of all the places I could've taken her, why the hell did she end up in my bed? I watched her petite form rise and fall with each breath she took. An ache developed deep in my chest and I suddenly felt the need to have her in my arms, to fill the need that had never been fulfilled by any other girl no matter the glamour I placed on them.

I slid into my bed next to her, slipping my arms around her and pulling her close. I breathed in deeply, her hair tickling my face; she smelled like flowers. Settling my chin in the crook of neck and pressing my legs against her., I closed my eyes. Damn, just touching her made my heart speed up faster than when I have sex with Monica. Just touching her made me want her even more than I already did. Though I've done everything within my power to convince her otherwise, to discourage her feelings toward me, I've fallen for her- hard. I've done what is forbidden- I've fallen in love with her, I've touched her, I've had lustful thoughts towards her- and if anyone ever found out I'd be executed.

Demie stirred and panic gripped me. Slow and gentle, I slid away from her and out of bed. I was lounging in my desk chair, my eyes fixed on the floor, when she woke a moment later. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her roll over to face me, I waited for her to say something but she was silent.

A minute or two passed before I finally looked up and met her emotionless stare. "Hey, you're-"

"Who's Deix?" She cut me off. I took a deep a breath.


"Who is Deix?" She put face behind each individual word.

"I don't know a Deix." I kept my eyes locked on hers.

"You're lying, you always look me in the eye and talk measured like that when you lie." Her eyes narrowed. Shit, I swallowed and forced a smirk.

"Seriously, Demie, I don't know who you're talking about." I scoffed. "You okay? You passed out last night."

"Whatever." She got out of bed, starting for the door.

"Demie," I stood and followed her to the main room of my apartment.

"Don't-" She whirled around, pointing a finger in my face, with an angry expression. "-tell me that I was just dreaming , or hallucinating, or any other shit like that. I know what I saw was real." She grabbed her phone and keys from off the coffee table and slammed the door behind her on her way out.


Shades of purple tiles created a design on the floor, one that could only be seen from high above, and white tiles filled in the background spaces. The design was of dying vines, the Court symbol, a reminder to its enemies of the power ice can hold. The power to kill.

The same reminder I was being given through the cold, hard eyes of King Dion and Queen Vyx.

"What I don't understand, Sir Ryz, is how you let something like this happen on your watch." King Dion finally said. I felt every bit of hope I had, hope that he didn't know about Demie going to Ahln, drain away. It was a foolish hope, as her father he can sense when Demie enters Nour.

"Your highness, we were in a crowded place, I couldn't get to her fast enough." I was careful not to lie but also careful not to let it slip that I'd been grinding against the princess. I waited for them to say something, praying to Demie's god, if he was real, that my mind wouldn't be searched. I wasn't necessarily afraid of dying, an execution would be quick and painless for me, I wanted to stay with Demie.

"Where could you have been that was so crowded that you couldn't get to her?" The Queen asked, her voice devoid of its usual charm.

"A dance club?" The king repeated, his booming voice filling the room.

"Yes, your highness, D- Princess Nirai likes to dance." I was quick to correct myself. I felt his disapproval fade as soon as he heard that it was something his daughter liked. Another silent pause.

Is he waiting for me to say something? Is he glaring at me, is he smiling? Is he angry? I was itching to analyze his expression. I braced myself and waited.

"Bring her."

"Your highness?" I wasn't sure if I heard him right.

"Bring my daughter here. It is time that she learned."

MJAM: My all time favorite song by Sleeping with Sirens is to the right. it's a cover of iris by The Goo Goo Dolls but i still love it.

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