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M'JAM: Here's the third chapter, disregard the fact that I accidentally published it early. I hope you like it! Please comment! And maybe vote and fan but mostly comment!


"How is my daughter," was the first thing he asked me as I kneeled before him. However, the first thing he said was," Sir Ryz, I expected you sooner."

I stood up, exuding confidence I didn't really feel. The Court of Oelh was colder than ever after being in the human world for so long. When I stepped through I had been shivering so violently that I wished to step back immediately. I knew, however, that it wouldn't be wise to keep his majesty waiting any longer than I already have. My father stood next to the king himself, his eyes scanning the room for any threats no doubt. I knew that I would receive a lecture from him later on punctuality, etiquette, and staying focused on my work. Bullshit, all of it.

"There have been no threats to her safety your majesty." I answered his question, standing straight but keeping my head lowered just slightly.

"What about her schoolwork? Her friends? You've kept boys away from her?"

The memory of what happened after Drama Club earlier this week flashed through my mind, making me clench my jaw. "She does well in her classes and makes A's and B's. She's more of a recluse but I've been helping her stay active socially. Demie would-"

"Nirai!" King Dion's booming voice made me flinch reflexively. "I named her Nirai, not Demie." He spit her human name out as if it were a bug that had lodged itself in his food. I mentally kicked myself at my mistake.

"Princess Nirai would still rather stay in than go out unless it's somewhere with music." I try again and use her correct name. "I have no trouble keeping boys away, your majesty."

"What about her...guardians? Her mom and..." He waved the ending of his sentence away as if it were insignificant. The king refused to recognize Demie's parents as her parents or her dad as her dad. He was okay with identifying her mom, but referred to her dad as "that-other-man."

"Her mom called her last night to tell her that she couldn't make it home. Monty still hasn't called." I answered, making sure not to call Monty her father.

"My daughter, is she...happy?"

I thought of the way Demie's eyes light up as she looks at me and then the way they dull and water when I act as if I'm uninterested or as if I see her as a friend. The way she loses herself in or moves to the beat of music whether it's in the club, at the piano, or on her I-pod. The way she distances herself from others and hides from rejection. The way she laughs and smiles, hiding the fact that she cries herself to sleep every night. The way her eyes show the pain and suffering she's kept buried inside of her when she thinks no one is looking. The way she acts as if she doesn't care if her parents come home or not even though she does. The way she goes through life everyday when we both know very well that she would rather kill herself and be done with it.


"Yes, your majesty, she is happy," was what I said.

But I knew that was a lie.


My father's inevitable lecture was just as I expected- long and a repetition of what I've always been told. I stood stoic and silent as I listened but wished, the whole time, that he would shut up. My father reminded me to stay focused on my charge and not to waste my time with unrelated amusements. Monica isn't an unrelated amusement; she is what's keeping me from doing the unthinkable with Demie.

The unthinkable with Demie...Images flashed through my mind of Demie grinding against me or kissing me or taking off my clothes.

Shut up! I shook myself out of my thoughts knowing that I could be killed for even thinking that if my mind was searched. Demie is Princess Nirai, a princess, and I am only her servant.

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