Surprise Return

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MJAM: Sorry it's been so long. Obviously, this is not being submitted into the Watty Awards this year, but oh well. I hope you like this chapter. It's a whole five pages!


It was Saturday, a week after that ball, and Ian finally got me to go to Oelh for lessons, bribing me and saying that he'd finally let me learn how to ride a motorcycle - even though he thought it was dangerous. We stepped through and found ourselves among horses in the stables.

"Um, are my lessons going to be out here?" I tried not to wrinkle my nose at the smell.

"No, we'll be inside, in the study." he took my hand to help me out of the haystack we'd stepped through into.

"Then why did we step through here instead of inside?"

"I'm not a master at magic, Demie. I don't always step through in the exact spot as I should. I'm still learning. Besides, there's someone you need to meet." Ian led me from the stables, nodding to two guys nearby who wore the same purple uniform as him. I smiled at each of them as well, giving them a little wave, and got two looks of shock and hasty bows in return.

"Please tell me that people are not gonna bow to me all the time like that." I grimaced, turning back to Ian as we walked uphill.

"They will, its custom and a sign of respect. Not doing so could be punishable by death. Be prepared for a lot of bowing and "You're Highness'- ing."

The castle was just as beautiful as the last times I'd been here, standing tall instead of melting under the rays of the sun. People milled about in the makeshift market lining the sides of the bridge not too far away. I followed Ian through the snow, relieved that I had listened to him and dressed warmly, and straight to the kitchen entrance.

I breathed a sigh of relief as we stepped inside, glad for the warmth. The kitchen was loud with the clanking of pots and pans and the gossip being thrown back and forth between the workers. I stood at the entrance for a moment taking it all in. It had a cozy, familiar feeling to it, as if they were all close to each other. The noise died down to a murmur as all eyes turned to me.

I felt myself flush at the attention as I looked down as the ground. Ian led me through the kitchen, his hand on my back. The workers moved aside to make a narrow path for me. We stopped in front of a lady grayed with age. She stood among the workers with her hands on her hips and a big smile on her lips, forming wrinkles around her eyes which twinkled in amusement.

"Demie, this is Yori, she's the head cook." Ian introduced her. "She's also my father's aunt, my great aunt."

Yori curtsied and so did I, clumsily I might add. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness."

"The pleasure is mine," I mumbled back.

"Ryz told me that you have a bit of a sweet tooth," she turned slightly to pick up a covered basket and held it out for me. "We made these for you, we hope they please you."

I took the basket, painfully aware that I had captured the gaze of everyone in the room. I lifted the cloth covering the basket and found an assortment of muffins and cakes and other bakery items. A smile crossed my lips as I ate a piece of brownie. "Thank you, this is really kind of you." I smiled at her, gratefully.

She smiled back, looking relieved, and I could almost feel the tension being lifted from the room. "We should get going. She has lessons to attend." ian spoke up.

"Of course, of course," Yori curtsied again. "Your Highness, Sir Ryz." She nodded at Ian and He led me through the kitchen and out to the hallway.

"Sorry about that." He gave me an apologetic look. "My aunt wanted me to bring you by the kitchen. She's very eager to please you. Everyone is."

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