Forgotten Memories

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I wrapped my towel around me, stepping out of my bathroom, my wet hair dripping down my bare back, and into my master suite (it's not as if my parents used it). "Reeses!" I scolded my dog when she jumped up on me, leaving muddy paw prints on my white towel. "I just took a shower!" I shooed her out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I dried off, blow drying and straightening my hair in the process. I slid on one of my favorite pair of skinny jeans, gray and distressed, and a purple, flowy, off the shoulder top. I opened my black wardrobe and scanned the rows of shoes. I glanced at my black converse high tops, then at my black four inch platform heels, and then back at my high tops. I take the heels and drop them by the side of my bed.

I looked around my room trying to think of something else to do but I was only avoiding the fact that I needed to think through all my new memories.

Finally, I fell forward onto my bed in exhaustion- mental exhaustion.


"Oh my God!" I struggled to keep balance and then quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. No one gave me a second look and I sighed in relief- there were no witnesses to my embarrassing almost spill. Taking a deep breath I tried again.

Ian said that he would teach me how to ride. He told me to meet him here at the park, at noon. So, where is he? He wouldn't bail would he? He did promise.

I stop the skateboard and look around. There was no one on this path, no one in sight anyway. I push off with my left leg, gaining speed and leaning forward just a bit.

One, two, three, four, five, six... yes! I made it past six trees! My grin grew as I forced myself to stop glancing at my feet. Then I saw someone up ahead. A boy. A really cute boy.

I almost fell over, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. I stopped the skateboard a few feet or so in front of the guy and gave him a quick once over. White, tall (about the same height as Ian), black hair, dark green eyes, and a smile... a smile that made my stomach do flips. I blew a gum bubble, trying to appear cool and nonchalant.

I stomp on one end of my skateboard, making the other end fly up so I could grab onto it. "Hi."

"Hello." His voice was deep, deeper than a lot of the guys in my class. I wondered how old he was; he looked like he went to the high school, which meant he was older than me.

"Who are you?"


"That's a cool name. I'm Demie." I set my skateboard down and tried to ride it over to him. The skateboard shot out from under me and I found myself pitching forward. He was a few feet away and then he was catching me. His arm went around my waist as he steadied me, and then his other arm. He didn't let me go. So, I was just staring up at him and he was looking down at me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I tried to think of something to say. He smirked at me and every thought in my mind blew away to reveal one though: God, this guy is cute.

Then I felt guilty. I already liked Ian, and I liked him a lot. I wasn't even dating him yet and here I was cheating on him.


Speak of the devil.

"Um..." I turned my head to see him riding down the path on his skateboard.

"Nirai," Deix's mouth was so close to my ear, just brushing my jaw line. I felt myself blush even worse than before, thanking God that I was too black for anyone to see, and goose bumps were raised at his words. But who was Nirai? "Princess, it is an honor to finally meet you."

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