Don't Touch

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MJAM: So sorry for the wait. I know, I'm terrible. I've just had so much work. I'll try what ever I can to have the next chapter up sometime during Christmas break.


"Who was that boy?" My mom asked me, her hands on her hips and her lips set in a firm line, standing in the doorway of my master bedroom. I ignored her, fuming inside. "Demie! What was that boy doing here?"

"What? You leave for five years and suddenly you decide to be a parent?" I spit out.

"Excuse me? Don't you talk to me that way!" She took a step towards me.

"Don't talk to you like what? Like this? You left me here, five years ago, by myself and now, suddenly you just show up out of the blue!" I glared at her from where I stood by the short hall that led to my bathroom.

"I am your mother!" Her jaw clenched in anger.

"No, you aren't! My mom, she would've been here for me! All these years, she would've been here." I looked away, crossing my arms in defense. "You weren't here."

A silence commenced. I didn't look at her, I wouldn't. She still looked just as she had when she left save for the few gray hairs peppering her black hair. She dressed more casual than she used to, having traded her dresses and skirts for the jeans she was wearing then.

"Demie, I'm back now and I am your mother. I carried you for nine months-" I scoffed, interrupting her and shaking my head. "-and you will respect me!"

"Get out." I growled.


"Get the fuck out!" I pointed behind her.

"I will not let you-"

"Goddamn!" I cursed as I turned my back on her and made my way over to my closet. She followed me, still yelling, but I ignored her as I began to pack an overnight bag with clothes and other necessities. Whistling for for Reeses, I put her in her carrier and stuffed a few things for her in the bag as well.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom called after me as I went down the stairs with the bag and carrier.

"Out!" I took my car keys from the counter and slammed the front door on my way out. One look at my car's windshield and I remembered that I couldn't drive. besides, where could I go anyway? Ian was out with Monica and Shyann could still be with Gavin. Sighing, I knew that there was only one place I could go.


"Your Highness, would you like for me to brush your hair before dinner?" Kyale, the maid servant who had shown me where my room was, stood next to me as I tried to settle into my other home. Reeses had made herself comfortable almost immediately on the queen size bed, even though there was already a dog bed on the floor for her.

"Dinner?" I glanced at her, just realizing that it was getting dark outside- it was almost seven.

"Yes, the king will be glad that you are finally home." She smiled, happily, and I wondered if everyone was as happy about me being there.

This isn't home. "Actually, Kyale, is it possible for me to have dinner in my room? I'm not feeling up to company right now."

"Of course, Your Highness, I'll go down to the kitchen and get you something." She curtsied before leaving the room.

A few hours later I was sitting up in bed, now wearing capri sweat pants and a old band tee, engrossed in a history book I had found on the bookshelf that read like a fairytale. It told the story of Nour, the name for the fairy world, and the many kingdoms- including Oelh and Ahln.

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