Anniversary Tears

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M'JAM: Thank God, I finally finished this chapter. I kept trying to make time to write but then I'd get distracted by reading a book. iIseriously have eight books ,that I got from the library on Tuesday, sitting on the floor next to my desk right this minute. I plan to read all of them by next week, the week after at the latest. You might not hear from me for a while.Also, if you check out my profile, I uploaded a pic of Demie as my profile pic and a pic of Ian (Nick Roux will now play him, cuz he's cute) as my background.


"That's Monty's daughter, the poor baby."

"A shame, he didn't even attend his own mamma's funeral."

"His daughter? What's her name?"

"Demie," was the whispered reply.

"Her parents been traveling the world for the past 4 years. She's been living with a nanny since she was twelve.:

"Shaquila finally found out he was cheating on her?"

"She already knew, she just ain't say nothing. Besides, she was seeing somebody too."

"She was? There's no way!" The voice was incredulous. "But she loved him so much! I remember their wedding..."

"I haven't heard from Monty or Shaquila since the move. Does their daughter still live in that old place?"

"Mm-hmm, that big, empty, old house that belonged to Shaquila's grandfather. The poor thing, she's gonna be all alone when she goes home. You know, she was very close with her grandmother."

"That's right, the poor girl was there when Mary had that last stroke." Another added. The group of women made sympathetic noises and a few more "poor baby" and "poor thing" were murmured.

I swore that if I heard another poor anything-directed-towards-me I would scream. My grandmamma was dead, neither of my parents were there, and then I had to pretend that I didn't hear the gossip of my dad's side of the family. Half of me was pissed as shit and the other was depressed as hell.

Later, as I rode home to "that big, empty, old house," I only felt depression. It was the same depression I'd been feeling since I watched my grandmamma die in that hospital bed.


Mary Summers

August 7, 1925 - April 12, 2011

A Loving Mother, An Amazing Grandmother

He was sitting on the porch steps, just like that day almost a year ago, when I pulled into the driveway of our Victorian style mansion. No words, I flung myself into his outstretched arms and cried for the first time that day. I let it all out, not holding back, and felt my state of depression ebb just a little. Being in his arms like this, having him so close, makes me feel better in a way that no amount of anti-depressants ever could.

He didn't say a word, only waiting until I finished and the following me inside into the kitchen. Reeses rushed up to me, smiling and wagging her tail, but I wasn't in the mood for puppy kisses. Actually, I wasn't much in the mood for anything if it didn't include Ian's arms around me.

"What are you doing here?" It was a needless question; I already knew why he was there. Ever since 7th grade, he's been looking out for me.

"I just thought you could use a friend." Ian's eyes searched mine as he hoisted himself up on the dark granite-topped island. I sat next to him, playing with and pulling on my necklace.

"Thanks." I smiled one of those smiles where the corners of your lips just barely turn up but no one can really tell that you're smiling. His arm brushed against mine and, suddenly, I was aware of just how close we were sitting. So close that I would only have to sit up a little and lean in to kiss him.

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